Passport to Pleasure: A Terrific Time in Tofino

Passport to Pleasure: A Terrific Time in Tofino

Being on the Pacific and bestowed with many fine beaches, Tofino is a town full of “surfer dudes” (the total population is about 2,000), so the lifestyle is rather laid-back. Still, if you don’t surf, there are many other sensual pleasures to enjoy, even (or should I say especially) during inclement weather. So join me as we go to the remote town of Tofino, where we stamp this week’s Passport to Pleasure—a hedonistic quest for great food and good times for two, from nibbles to naughtiness. Continue reading Passport to Pleasure: A Terrific Time in Tofino

Home of REI, Seattle Wrestles With Urban Tent Cities

Home of REI, Seattle Wrestles With Urban Tent Cities

At issue is the homeless activism behind Nickelsville’s existence–you get the sense that in their view, they are a community looking for a home, whereas government sees a social ill that needs to be ended. (It should be noted that while Nickelsville is a tent city, not all tent cities argue Nickelsville’s brand of self-determination.)

There’s public resistance to “institutionalizing homelessness” if the city or county creates a permanent encampment (which has lead to linguistic contortions such as a “semi-permanent home”)–or even rents housing. Continue reading Home of REI, Seattle Wrestles With Urban Tent Cities