“Emperor of Atlantis” Opera is a Work to Hear More than Once

Musically, it’s a work to hear more than once. Ullman’s score includes hints of other composers and a couple of intentionally outright borrowings, though in unusual guise. When the Drummer proclaims the Emperor’s killing plans, she does so to the tune of “Deutschland uber alles,” albeit in a minor key, and at the end, the actors converge on the Emperor to the melody of “Ein feste berg” but with different harmonies.

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At Spectrum, Donald Byrd Gives “Needless Talents” Human Faces

To bring this back down to earth, consider choreographer Donald Byrd’s statement that, with The Theater of Needless Talents, he wanted to get into how particular humans keep finding ways to commit atrocities against humanity. Rather than totalizing Nazi power, buying into the Reich’s myth, his work, iconoclastic as ever, breaks it into pieces.

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