Op-Ed: Frank Chopp to Try to Defend State Democrats’ Craven Retreat on Progressive Issues to Actual Progressive

Op-Ed: Frank Chopp to Try to Defend State Democrats’ Craven Retreat on Progressive Issues to Actual Progressive

Laissez-whatevs state law allows a candidate to, you know, go with the flow in terms of the voting public’s captious inclinations, so Sawant, issuing press releases at every juncture, has finally ended up with a debate scheduled against Chopp tonight while Pedersen gets to sit at home with the kids watching Matthew Perry in Go On. (Tonight he plays hockey!) Continue reading Op-Ed: Frank Chopp to Try to Defend State Democrats’ Craven Retreat on Progressive Issues to Actual Progressive

Seattle Weeklies Reach Font Détente

Seattle Weeklies Reach Font Détente

This one’s for the typeface nerds out there. Maybe this is like how you get the second showing of a syndicated film for cheaper, but with fonts. That said, The Stranger’s headline writer clearly wins this round. No one cares what’s coming soon to LQA, unless it’s news of an outbreak centered, geographically, between Ozzie’s and the Spectator Grill. “SIFF Goes Uptown” was probably taken already, but still. Continue reading Seattle Weeklies Reach Font Détente