Seth Suggests <em>Seateeth</em> by John Osebold

Seth Suggests Seateeth by John Osebold

As for Seateeth, as you’ll see from the trailer above, who knows? Osebold says the inspiration came from reading his first Haruki Murakami novel, and from seeing a giant whale skeleton at Honolulu’s stellar Bishop Museum. He describes Seateeth as “the Jose Bold version of a literary reading,” which is like saying “the Lady GaGa version of a three-piece suit”–it raises more questions than it answers. Continue reading Seth Suggests Seateeth by John Osebold

A Dancer Weighs Her Options in <em>Swimming the List</em>

A Dancer Weighs Her Options in Swimming the List

It’s a brief show, running just 50 minutes, and just for this weekend (through September 25; tickets: $12), but I have a feeling that anyone who sees Swimming the List, from the Susie Lee Ensemble, will be mulling it over for a long while. Prosaic daily demands give way to a sensual, sublime illustration of a dancer’s luminescent life, carved out at great cost–and the cry for payment presses more and more strongly. Continue reading A Dancer Weighs Her Options in Swimming the List

Five Questions With Matt Smith

Five Questions With Matt Smith

Q: Where did you grow up, and how did you end up where you are now?
A: I grew up on Capitol Hill in Seattle. I went to St. Joe’s. How’d I end up here? A series of miscalculations. Har har. I love Seattle. I love that that John and Babe and Michael Shepherd are opening The Totem House as a new Red Mill, with Fish & Ships. When I lived in New York I always told people I could never stay away from Seattle for long. That was before the first vote against public transportation here in the ’70s. Continue reading Five Questions With Matt Smith