Touring Kent’s World-Renowned Earthworks by Bike

Touring Kent’s World-Renowned Earthworks by Bike

You didn’t know that Kent boasted an earthwork by a major Bauhaus artist, did you? (Graphic designers will know Herbert Bayer as the creator of the Universal typeface.) The restoration effort meant improving “drainage in the bowls, repav[ing] the pathways and reshap[ing] the double-ring pond,” along with “re-sodding the double-ring pond, and restoring the view corridor along the stream.” Continue reading Touring Kent’s World-Renowned Earthworks by Bike

Chris Cornell Wants Shoot His Show (Enter Here)

Chris Cornell Wants Shoot His Show (Enter Here)

Talenthouse and Chris Cornell are inviting fans and photographers to submit their best concert photo in an online contest, just as he embarks on his “Songbook” solo tour. Winners will be chosen for each of the 21 selected dates and will receive a photo pass to shoot Chris live, in addition to having their show photos featured on his social media channels and official website. How excited are you! Yes. So enter here. Continue reading Chris Cornell Wants Shoot His Show (Enter Here)

Mitsubishi’s All-Electric i Car Visiting Eastside, Westside, All Around the Town

Mitsubishi’s All-Electric i Car Visiting Eastside, Westside, All Around the Town

Move over, Nissan Leaf! Mitsubishi’s all-electric “i” is going on a test-drive tour to flaunt its lower cost: after your federal tax credit of $7,500, just $21,625 for the ES model ($23,625 for the SE). That makes it “most affordable 100% electric-powered mass-market production vehicle available in North America,” say the bean counters at Mitsubishi. See the locations and times of its local “appearances” at the end of this post. Continue reading Mitsubishi’s All-Electric i Car Visiting Eastside, Westside, All Around the Town