Igudesman & Joo Bring Madcap Mozartian Comedy to Town Hall

Igudesman & Joo Bring Madcap Mozartian Comedy to Town Hall

Apparently, there’s nothing that tickles this city’s funny bone more than Mozart. In their first Seattle appearance, classical music comedy duo Igudesman & Joo reduced a packed Town Hall to guffaws and giggles. Full of slapstick, musical hijinks, and general silliness, the pair’s popular show “A Little Nightmare Music” easily won over the enthusiastic Monday-night crowd. Continue reading Igudesman & Joo Bring Madcap Mozartian Comedy to Town Hall

Cheers for Joshua Roman’s TownMusic All-Cello Celebration

Cheers for Joshua Roman’s TownMusic All-Cello Celebration

Radiohead’s “Street Spirit” translated well into a restful and relaxed introduction to this concert theme, while the unmistakable Argentinian idiom of Piazzolla flavored his two works. A canon and a romantically soulful melody imbued the first, and a declamatory role followed a hypnotic start in the second, with a more agitated vigor toward the end. Continue reading Cheers for Joshua Roman’s TownMusic All-Cello Celebration