Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Apple launched an online indicator of iPhone availability in their retail stores. While the colorful 5C looks to be easy to find in a variety of colors and flavors, the metal-cased 5S remain, like their color coded nameskaes, a rarer commodity. Locally, the best bet for a 5S seems to be a space gray AT&T model, but inventory appears to be in a constant state of flux. Continue reading Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

University Village Hits Brakes on Parking Construction, Trumpets Concert Series

University Village Hits Brakes on Parking Construction, Trumpets Concert Series

The University Village shopping mall is having a Catch-22 moment: They’ve decided to pause construction of a six-story, 700-stall parking garage on the mall’s south side because of how it’s impacting parking, and, consequently, merchant business. Construction has meant the loss of hundreds of spaces in the work zone. Continue reading University Village Hits Brakes on Parking Construction, Trumpets Concert Series

Hello, I’m a Microsoft Store

Hello, I’m a Microsoft Store

The first week of its life, after the grand opening celebration, the Microsoft Store at University Village has about a dozen shoppers a little after one o’ clock on a Monday. There’s plenty of room to navigate among the tables that recall, sharply, the layout of the Apple Store across the parking lot. It’s the look of a tag-along kid brother.

Geekwire says this store is number 12, with “up to 75” more stores planned for the next two to three years. Continue reading Hello, I’m a Microsoft Store