The Greenways are Coming! (to Beacon Hill and Ballard)

The Greenways are Coming! (to Beacon Hill and Ballard)

Wallingford had its greenway grand opening in mid-June, and now Beacon Hill and Ballard get to learn what all the traffic-calming excitement is about. Beacon Hill’s open house is tonight, July 19, at Jefferson Community Center (3801 Beacon Avenue S) from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Ballard’s greenway-curious population will gather next Thursday, July 26, at Adams Elementary School (6110 28th Avenue NW), in the cafeteria. Continue reading The Greenways are Coming! (to Beacon Hill and Ballard)

Wallingford’s Greenway Gets a Grand Opening This Saturday

Wallingford’s Greenway Gets a Grand Opening This Saturday

The official opening of the Wallingford Greenway, Seattle’s first, is this Saturday, June 16, at 5 p.m. The City Council’s Sally Bagshaw, a big greenways booster; SDOT Director Peter Hahn; and friends of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways will be there for a ribbon-cutting ceremony (at North 44th Street at Corliss) allowing Kidical Mass—pretty much what it sounds like—to pass through. Continue reading Wallingford’s Greenway Gets a Grand Opening This Saturday

Passport to Pleasure: Flying Kites and Exotic Bites in Wallingford

Passport to Pleasure: Flying Kites and Exotic Bites in Wallingford

Sit back and watch the seaplanes land and take off while enjoying your anatomically correct (or not) cupcakes. Then it’s time to climb the hill, take out those kites, and laugh as you both try to let them sail into the sky. Work together to get one going, communicating and negotiating and deploying all the skills that are useful in other aspects of your relationship. Worst-case scenario: fall flat in your efforts and roll down the hill—together. Nothing should keep you from have fun in this park. Continue reading Passport to Pleasure: Flying Kites and Exotic Bites in Wallingford