An Open Letter to One Reel, and/or Bumbershoot, and/or CenturyLink

An Open Letter to One Reel, and/or Bumbershoot, and/or CenturyLink

The worst thing about Bumbershoot this year: AT&T coverage at Seattle Center has been so spotty. Don’t tell me that the network is overloaded. Just “use the network less” doesn’t cut it. This shit can’t stand.

So it’s time that wifi was included in the ticket price and as part of the Bumbershoot experience. It’s time that Bumbershoot provide wifi to the masses all Labor Day weekend long. And this is where you come in, Qwest CenturyLink. Continue reading An Open Letter to One Reel, and/or Bumbershoot, and/or CenturyLink

Delta’s Bigger and Better Sky Club Opens at Sea-Tac

Delta’s Bigger and Better Sky Club Opens at Sea-Tac

Delta is listening to you, harried, Platinum-Amex-bearing passengers. You said the converted Northwest WorldClub lounge there in Sea-Tac’s South Satellite was too small. Where were the showers? Worst coffee ever.

So Delta invested an estimated $6 to $8 million on an upgrade. The new club, located on the roof of the South Satellite, now offers Delta passengers nearly 8,300-square-feet of elbow room, complete with a full wall of windows to take in the view of Mount Rainier. (Now meaning today, August 31, 2011.) Continue reading Delta’s Bigger and Better Sky Club Opens at Sea-Tac