Tree Embolisms & the Death of Forests by Climate Change’s Thousand Cuts

Tree Embolisms & the Death of Forests by Climate Change’s Thousand Cuts

Trees, it turns out, are daredevils rather than the fusty old Ents of Tolkien. They’re so invested in growing as big and as fast as possible, that they have little margin of hydraulic error. It doesn’t matter whether they’re scrubby piƱon pines in New Mexico or mossed-over giants in the Olympic National Forest. Continue reading Tree Embolisms & the Death of Forests by Climate Change’s Thousand Cuts

Heat Wave! A City Without A/C Pants in Sweaty Fear

Heat Wave! A City Without A/C Pants in Sweaty Fear

Temperatures for Thursday and Friday are forecasted to reach the mid-90s, with temperate Seattle earning an Excessive Heat Warning from the National Weather Service. Saturday will still be in the low 80s (but with a possible thunderstorm), with Sunday dropping back down to the upper 70s, thanks to an invasion of marine air, say the weather diviners at KOMO TV. Continue reading Heat Wave! A City Without A/C Pants in Sweaty Fear