Home-Grown Rock Musical “These Streets” Gets it Right

Home-Grown Rock Musical “These Streets” Gets it Right

Finding that the women of Seattle’s grunge era have been overlooked, present-day Bryan has been collecting interviews with them as they reminisce about the time, and the show flashes back to a fictional “Seattle Six,” united by music. Conceived by Gretta Harley and Sarah Rudinoff (who also wrote it, along with Elizabeth Kenny), it’s a tribute to the survivors as much as the fallen. Continue reading Home-Grown Rock Musical “These Streets” Gets it Right

The Go Go’s Still Have Beauty and Powerful Beat

The Go Go’s Still Have Beauty and Powerful Beat

When the band took the stage at ZooTunes at Woodland Park Zoo last night, they probably didn’t have much to prove. The sold out crowd of 3,800 plus was there out of love and probably hoped to recapture a little of their youthful spirit. So it was surprising when the girls came out blasting and laid down a hard rocking set that, frankly, was something the normally staid ZooTunes concerts sorely needed.

The Go Go’s came to play. Continue reading The Go Go’s Still Have Beauty and Powerful Beat