posted 09/11/09 04:41 PM | updated 09/11/09 04:41 PM
Views: 26 | Comments : 0 | Literature

Gloria Steinem Says You Need to Go to Hedgebrook

By realgroove
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Recently, I saw Gloria Steinem speak at Town Hall.

70 years old and that hottie totally rocked the house. It turns out she was there in support of Hedgebrook Women Writers Retreat. Waxing poetic about the importance of the place as a support for women writers, Steinem said, "Hedgebrook isn’t a retreat…it’s an advance." I happen to be a woman and a writer so I started snooping around.

Among lots of cool offerings, there was one thing that really piqued my interest; they've launched this thing called the Women Writers Master Class Retreat Series.


Theresa Rebeck

The slot that caught my eye is in November with renowned writer Theresa Rebeck. The week-long experience is at their 48-acre Whidbey Island getaway. Each resident writer (me hopefully!) is housed in a handcrafted cottage in the woods with a sleeping loft, work area and wood-burning stove...I mean, how charming is that?! All meals are prepared by Hedgebrook’s in-house chef using fresh produce from their organic garden and seriously, that alone made this drooling girl send in my application.


But seriously, it's about the writing. The week-long session includes ten hours of workshops over five days with playwright Theresa Rebeck from November 9-16, instructor-led constructive group feedback sessions, one-on-one sessions with her, and two additional days of retreat time. Space is limited to six writers per session and there is a $2,000 fee (that includes food and lodging). See you there?

For your application, email amywheeler (at), or call 360-321-4786.

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Tags: Women, writers, writing, retreat, Hedgebrook
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