The SunBreak
posted 09/17/09 11:47 AM | updated 09/17/09 12:54 PM
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Why Will Smith, Joe Montana, and Wayne Gretzky Are All Coming to Issaquah Tonight

By Seth Kolloen
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Q: What do Will Smith, Joe Montana and Wayne Gretzky share in common--something that will bring all three boldface names to Issaquah tonight?

A: All three have sons on the Oaks Christian High football team, which has flown up from Simi Valley, Calif. to play I-Town's Skyline High.

Trey "Son of Will" Smith

Will's son Trey (his oldest, by first wife Sheree Zampino, and the inspiration for his remake of "Just the Two of Us") is a junior wide receiver.

Joe's son Nick (youngest of four by current wife Jennifer Wallace, the model he met doing a razor commercial) is a senior quarterback.

Wayne's son Trevor (third of five by actress wife Janet Jones) is a junior quarterback; he backs up Nick.

The game, which will be televised nationally on ESPNU, has local football fans making sure to change out of sweatpants for two reasons: 1) Nick Montana is a UW recruit who's likely to eventually succeed Jake Locker as Huskies' quarterback. 2) The game matches two of the best high school teams in the nation. USA Today ranks Oaks Christian #6, Skyline #17.

Issaquah residents (a.k.a. "Issaquadlians") are psyched about having some genuine national celebrities in town, what with the Modest Mouse guys all living in Portland now. The Issaquah Press breathlessly reports the rumor that Smith will arrive in a helicopter! (Hey, would you rather read that or "Officials mull Timberlake Park dog suggestions after meeting." I thought so.)

Tickets to the 7 p.m. game were snapped up long ago, but you can listen on KJR-950 AM, or watch on ESPNU--and see, I'll bet, as many shots of Will, Joe and Wayne as of Trey, Nick and Trevor.

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Tags: high school football, skyline high football, will smith, joe montana, wayne gretzky, nick montana, trey smith, trevor gretzky, issaquah press, issaquah
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If There Was
If there was a movie made about a friend of mine (or frienemy), I would be played by Will Smith.

Just FYI.
Comment by TroyJMorris
September 17, 2009
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