Tonight a band called Aloft in the Sundry is playing the High Dive, and to judge from their publicity stills–which I can only assume are a wholly accurate representation of their lives–these dudes got it rough.
I totally feel these guys’ pain. It’s like, whenever I go into a…what is that? A tanning salon? A strip club? Yeah, whenever I go into a strip club, next thing I know the scantily clad women are tearin’ off my clothes and shoving twenties down my g-string. It’s just the price we pay for being so dead sexy.
But no, I kid. Seriously, Aloft in the Sundry is a band from Colorado that has a crazy sound: piano meets Seventies-style rock riffs that lean towards the bluesy, replete with catchy hooks and good vocals, even if they trend a little too yearn-y for my taste. They’re playing with Seattle’s Audio Art, who also tickle the ivories (or whatever keyboard keys are made of), and the super-chill Your Invisible Hands, who mix-up singer-songwriter stuff with lush psychedelic guitars. It’s $6 at the door, 8 p.m., 513 N. 36th St. in Fremont, and it’s 21 and over.
These crazy bastards will rock yer socks off and make u roll on the same ground yer socks fell to(laughing) they kill the Denver sceen. I’m sure they will represent killarado well. I’m sure Seattle will fall in love…..smack those asses boy’s!!!