posted 10/18/09 12:02 PM | updated 10/18/09 12:03 PM
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This Sunday's Seattle Times is Worth Reading

By Michael van Baker
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And I'm not just saying that because I'm pictured (holding yellow raincoat) in the Calder at SAM story. Though it did make me feel like the long-predicted era of MySeattleTimes had finally arrived.

No, I'm talking about the researched, probing stories on Dow Constantine (by Keith Ervin) and Susan Hutchison (by Bob Young). These are must-reads for people who want actual evidence to base a decision on, rather than talking points. Ervin also collaborated with Maureen O'Hagan on a story about a Port Townsend farmer who seems to have been moonlighting as a bank robber. Mike Carter followed up on a rumor mentioned by local "tabloid The Stranger" that Elliott Bay Book Company may move to Capitol Hill. There's also a nice piece by Jon Talton on what Windows 7 means to the local economy.

Lastly, to stoke your populist outrage, there's a pick-up from the Washington Post about the government's disinterest in tracking TARP money. But that's just icing. What we have here is just a string of local stories, written well by Times reporters, that leave you knowing more than when you picked the paper up. Well, unless you read something from the editorial board.

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Tags: seattle times, bank robber, farmer, dow constantine, susan hutchison, elliott bay book company, windows 7, tarp
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PI closing actually good for Times
Well, MvB, I'm not going to climb onto your claims for this weekend's issue.


I do think the local coverage has gotten remarkably better after the demise of the PI. There's more of it, and it's more prominent. They also seem of have figures out that being a NYTimes clipping service isn't a very wise path.

Two years ago, I thought the Stranger (a local tabloid) had far better local coverage. These days, not so much.
Comment by bilco
1 day ago
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RE: PI closing actually good for Times
All in context of my previous criticisms of the Times, of course, bilco. It may seem odd to praise a local paper for doing local stories, but this is the age we live in. It's been months since I spent this much time reading the Sunday Times.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 day ago
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You got pictured in the paper?
Lame. I knew I should have come...the only time I've ever been pictured was in the Cap Hill Times talking about the first 12 months of the smoking ban.
Comment by Jeremy M. Barker
1 day ago
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