posted 10/20/09 11:28 AM | updated 10/20/09 11:28 AM
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Congratulations to the Winners of the First TPS Awards

By Jeremy M. Barker
Arts Editor
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M.J. Sieber and Paul Morgan Stetler in NCTC's "The Adding Machine." Photo by Chris Bennion.

The first annual Theatre Puget Sound "Gregory" Awards were handed out last night at a black tie gala at the Intiman, with New Century Theatre Company predictably cleaning up. They took best company, best production (for The Adding Machine), best director (John Langs, for The Adding Machine), and best actress (Amy Thone, for The Adding Machine). That's damn near a sweep--the only awards they didn't take were best actor (which went to the well-loved Charles Leggett, for his performance as Shylock in Seattle Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice) and the "person to watch" award, which went to Don Daryl Rivera, for a variety of shows this last year, including The Wizard of Oz at Seattle Children's Theatre. Finally, the Gregory A. Falls Sustained Achievement Award (which has been around for 12 years) was awarded to Chris Bennion, whose production photos of most of the big shows in town are constantly seen in newspapers and on the web. Congratulations to everyone involved! It's been a wonderful year of theatre.

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Tags: theatre puget sound, gregory a. falls award, new century theatre company, the adding machine, amy thone, john langs, charles leggett, don daryl rivera, chris bennion
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tps awards... John Langs
Here are the results of the Theater Puget Sound Awards , Oct. 19 2009.
Comment by slangs
1 day ago
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