posted 10/27/09 10:47 AM | updated 10/27/09 10:52 AM
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Stephen Colbert Takes on R-71

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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On last night's episode of the Colbert Report, Stephen devoted "The Word" segment to R-71, the referendum on the state's "everything but marriage" same-sex domestic partnership law that will be on the ballot in Washington next week. (Don't forget to vote!)

In particular, Stephen focuses on the efforts by those in favor of R-71 to get the names released of those who signed petitions that called for the law to be overturned. The US Supreme Court heard the case last week, but blocked the release of the names.  Of course, Stephen, in his trademark roundabout counter-intuitive way, comes out in support of R-71 (since that will allow the petition-signers to stay in the closet). He also introduces the concept of sexual orientation orientation--that is to say, the way one feels towards another person's orientation, which is an inborn trait and not a choice.

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Don't Ask Don't Tell
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Tags: stephen colbert, the colbert report, r-71, gay marriage, everything but marriage, civil rights, referendum 71
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