The Awl Offers Up Plenty of Things to Read While You are "Working"

On this, the deadest workweek of the year, you owe it to yourself to check out one of the best things about 2009, The Awl, for their collective, still-ongoing take on the decade that was with The End of the 00s series.  Seriously, just use the tag to read every single piece, which run the gamut from the painfully personal (the decade as told through alcohol/drug-related blackouts, lost jobs, and/or Netflix) to the overarching themes (the rise of reality tv, the fall of the US economy, the mainstream media’s unyielding march to increasing suckitude) to those single defining moments of the decade (9/11, natch, but also the infamous Britney-and-Justin dance-off).  So take the afternoon to read ’em all, because what the hell else are you doing in the office today?

And if you haven’t already, now that Christmas is over, you must read John Del Signore’s three-part series on his misadventures as a Saks Fifth Avenue Santa.  I literally LOLed.

Also be sure to hit up Videogum for Gabe’s list of The Worst People of 2009.  Spoiler alert:  Douchebags ahoy!

One thought on “The Awl Offers Up Plenty of Things to Read While You are "Working"

  1. I’ve been savoring that series in tiny “away from the internet” doses all week. Maybe I will finally gorge on the rest of it tonight since I’m “not in quotes” back to work today.

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