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posted 01/05/10 11:07 AM | updated 01/05/10 11:08 AM
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Perugia Park is Bene with Us

By Michael van Baker
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Here is the tempest in a macchiato thus far: A new Capitol Hill pocket park, at the corner of East John Street and Summit Avenue East, was to be named Perugia Park. The Park Naming Committee suggested it to honor the sister city relationship between Seattle and Perugia. It seems they also meant to pour some honorific oil on the waters agitated by the Amanda Knox trial--they just didn't come right out and say it.

The tin-eared announcement was made by people trying to duck the symbolism they chose. Parks officials seemed to think they could safely decree what the park stood for--the sister city connection--and nothing else. The public backlash was immediate, and Parks Superintendent Tim Gallagher has tabled the naming process until the spring.

The Seattle Times op-ed page, no stranger itself to tin-eared decrees, has weighed in, declaring Perugia "not a bad place," but concluding that "[f]or now, the parks department should abandon the plan and find another more suitable name." (The Times' Nicole Brodeur also thinks Seattle Prep's Amanda Knox fundraiser is in poor taste because "it's likely making some people angry and uneasy." These people, for the record, seem to be residents of Brodeur's imagination--no one is quoted.)

It would be a mistake to confuse public upset with bad communication skills with real animosity toward Perugia. I can't imagine a huge outcry to the Parks Department announcing that the name, in recognition of the stress and strains of the Amanda Knox trial, commemorates our sister city. What people objected to was not a Perugian taint or the timing, but the murky motivation.

Name Perugia Park. Be clear about the reason--that especially now, Seattle and Perugia need this symbol of friendship and understanding. And challenge the vindictive and axe-grinding--and the few who stir the pot whenever they get the chance--to say otherwise in public.

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Tags: perugia park, amanda knox, perugia, seattle, sister city, naming, name, parks department, tim gallagher
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Here, here!
This banning the word 'Perugia' is right up there with Freedom Fries. Liberal Seattle recoiled when the GOP tried that dumb move a few years ago. But the urge to Big Brother things is always strong.

I must admit I'm stymied trying to understand how so many Seattleites are convinced Knox is innocent. Did they all listen to the full testimony, or did they get 'we report, you decide' news summaries from cable news? I'm betting the latter.

I have no idea if she's guilty or innocent - I admit I didn't listen to all the testimony. But a murder was committed, and the court of that country reached its verdict. Absent clear judicial misconduct, I'm inclined to allow Italy its sovereignty.
Comment by bilco
2 weeks ago
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Perugia Park
I am stymied by those who are so childlike as to think they get the TRUTH from the media. Amanda has been SLANDERED!!! In the beginning of this case the prosecution had absolutely NO evidence against Amanda so they MADE IT UP.. and gave it to the media!!! Total slander!!! And the lies just got bigger and bigger.. and people just got more and more lies to gossip about, and the fabrication was then accepted as truth by many people. Stories given to tabloids were quoted as "reliable sources" by the AP---But, the Prosecution in Italy does this sort of thing in LOTS of cases, not just Amanda's. They hire professional witnesses. They lie!!! They throw people in jail and even when it is proven that person is innocent, they still keep them in prison!. DO NOT LOSE FACE!!! That is the entire name of the game. And if you disagree with, YOU go to prison. Ask Doug Preston. They are very powerful and they don't care if one little American girl is thrown under the bus for the sake of saving face... so DO NOT name a Park after Perugia until after Amanda is returned to Seattle as the innocent person that she is-if you do, that would be a slap in the face of JUSTICE for Amanda.
Comment by Judy Brooks
2 weeks ago
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RE: Perugia Park
Uh, Judy - presuming you were responding to my post - did you read it?

I said pretty clearly, I thought, - don't trust the media - listen to all the testimony.

I presume you were there in Perugia and watched every word of the testimony, otherwise, wouldn't you be as guilty of misrepresentation as these alleged media dupes?
Comment by bilco
2 weeks ago
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RE: Perugia Park

Where did you all all your talking points about Amanda? Oh, that's right... from the pro-Amanda MEDIA. The Knox/Mellas clan hired a high-priced Seattle PR firm immediately after she was arrested and they have been spin, spin, spinning the US media ever since. Looks like they got their money's worth with you!

Your vile xenophobic ravings clearly expose the fact that you have NO idea how the Italian courts work and that Amanda actually had MORE rights than she would of if she was on trial here in the US. The entire trial was monitored by the US Embassy and they found no impropriety.

Doug Preston is about as credible as OJ Simpson and he's just glommed onto this trial to sell more copies of his lunatic book.

Amanda was convicted b/c there was an abundance of evidence against her, starting with the LIES she told in the very first minutes of the case, long before she ever saw the inside of the police station. She also tried to frame an innocent man. She's guilty as sin and no amount of million-dollar press releases will change that FACT.
Comment by Bea
2 weeks ago
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Perugia Park
hey Judy Brooks!

I must assume you were in Italy for a year and attended all sessions of the trial, and listened to the hundreds of hours of witness and expert testimony. I must also assume that you were given access to the 10,000 pages of evidence that was part of the trial documentation produced by the prosecutor.

Let me ask you a question though. Do you speak or understand Italian by any chance?

Let me check. Translate this for me:
"Amanda l'e` una gran troia che la darebbe anch'a suo fratello, se ce n'avesse uno da trombarselo per bene"
(warning: Google translate won't work too well with this)
Comment by Al-Fakh Yugoudh
2 weeks ago
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seattle prep lemmings
what are the seattle prep administrators thinking? or not thinking in this case. wow. and i bemoan my public school education.
Comment by bozo
2 weeks ago
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Beyond a reasonable doubt
Q. What's the difference between Tiger Woods and a Perugian computer?

A. Tiger Woods has a hard drive.
Comment by John Winters
2 weeks ago
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How about a different sister city?
Even more of us are outraged that such a third world dump like Perugia would even *be* our sister city. We should sever the relationship immediately. These people are American-Haters with a circus for a judicial system lead by a lunatic clown for a prosecutor. I don't want to be associated with that! Drop Perugia as our sister city and find a place more suited to a place actually more *like* Seattle. The issue goes way beyond a park name. Amanda Knox is the victim of gross injustice.
Comment by niche
1 week ago
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RE: How about a different sister city?
Have you ever been in this 'third world dump'? I have, and find it very similar in many ways to most U.S. cities. What makes it a dump, besides the fact that it's not in the United States?

As to the 'America-haters' comment - pretty clear you're a 'Perugia-hater'. Which, I presume, is morally superior.
Comment by bilco
1 week ago
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John Winters, the comments guru, posting another useless, unrelated comment trying desperately keep attention on Foxy Knoxy.

You are way too into her... maybe help her come up with a real alibi to try out on next appeal instead of cracking lame jokes.

Keep KNOX in her BOX!!!

~peace out
Comment by Evan
1 week ago
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Seattle girl in Perugia
I'm from Seattle and I live in Perugia. (Gasp!)

I love the idea of the naming of Perugia Park, I really do. And I hope it is eventually named so.

The people of Perugia have only opened their arms and hearts to me since I've moved back here (it's my second time living here), and when it comes to the Knox/Sollecito case, from what people tell me, the Perugians have their own doubts about it and really have only been sympathetic to all parties involved (at least when they talk to me!).

I stay out of debates about the case, personally. All I know is that I am very happy living here, and I feel very accepted. I would love to see a park commemorating the relationship between these two cities!

However, I wouldn't choose the name Perugia - not very creative. Why not name it after the artist Pietro Vannucci (also known as "Perugino")?

Thanks for writing this!
Comment by Tina
1 week ago
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The Whore of Babylon
Monsignor Evan (I hear he's been promoted), putting us all down with one of his sadly, very powerful below-the-belt shots. Any pop psychoanalyst will tell you that Amanda Knox is sane actually Ev, so I don't know why you feel qualified to make pronouncements about her.
Amanda Knox is in fact, a really lovely girl who desperately needs freedom. It is just ironic that she of all people should be imprisoned like this. I suppose the witchfinder Evan and his gang have to extinguish (to their way of thinking!), a whore of Babylon every now and then or they might feel Mummy is taking over. (Not that she hasn't long ago).
Sorry for posting over Tina. I know we were supposed to let her have the last say here.
Comment by John Winters
4 days ago
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