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posted 01/07/10 11:31 AM | updated 01/07/10 11:32 AM
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Dale Robertson, Distinguished University of Washington Graduate, Tea Party President

By Michael van Baker
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For those of you--and I know you're out there--who believe the University of Washington manufactures strictly socialists by the bushel, consider the case of Dale Robertson, a man unafraid to appear in public with a sign that reads "Congress = Slave owner, Taxpayer = Niggar."

Wonkette is having a field day with this photo from last year. If nothing else, it demands much more introspection from a man who talks about helping the politically blind see and the deaf, hear.

Robertson, a veteran of the Marines and Navy, with 22 years of service under his belt, got his bachelor's degree in Political Science at the UW. He owns the site, where he documents his role in the movement's genesis ("Much like Tiananmen Square, Dale stood alone representing the American people"). His political science degree is his second; he earned a degree in engineering at Southwest College, in San Diego.

I don't know Dale Robertson, but I'd like the chance to tell him in person that this sign is not doing his cause any good. It's (highly) offensive to many people, even if you take it in the best possible, in-solidarity light, which is hard to square with Robertson's oft-professed, uncritical faith in the Founders' intent. (Plenty of slave owners worked on the Constitution.) People keep trying to weasel by with this kind of thing, and I prefer my racists bold and proud, so I know where they stand.

It also would be difficult, not to say naive, to take it in the best possible light given the Tea Party's nationally televised animus toward our Commander in Chief. This year, they are planning a "national strike" on Inauguration Day. Perhaps never before has Black History Month seemed so timely.

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Tags: tea party, dale robertson, wonkette, dscriber, black history month
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Stay classy, Dale Robertson.
Also offensive: his misspelling.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
1 week ago
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RE: Stay classy, Dale Robertson.
You know how it is, you get to the end of hand-printing your horribly offensive sign and you fuck up on the very last word! What do you do? If you white it out, you just draw attention to it (and deepen the irony). No, you keep with the non-standard orthography and maybe claim that's how the Founders' spelled it.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
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RE: Stay classy, Dale Robertson.
Look closely at the sign on the Wonkette page, Michael -

This moron's offending term is printed on a strip of paper taped to the main sign. Probably had 'ER' first, then said, 'shit, that ain't the way my daddy spelled it' and fixed it.
Comment by bilco
1 week ago
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RE: Stay classy, Dale Robertson.
You are correct, sir! The mind boggles.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
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RE: Stay classy, Dale Robertson.
Maybe he originally wrote "negro" but decided it wasn't offensive enough.
Comment by Jeremy M. Barker
1 week ago
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Ya know. . . .
If you're going to try and be offensive, then have some balls and actually use the word Nigger. But this half-assed conviction makes you look like a moron AND a bigot!
Comment by Tony
1 week ago
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