The SunBreak
posted 02/13/10 06:35 PM | updated 02/13/10 07:02 PM
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NBC's Olympics Coverage: Terrific, If You Can Endure All the Ads

By Seth Kolloen
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I watched an hour of NBC's Vancouver Winter Olympics coverage on KING 5 this afternoon, and I saw about 90 seconds of actual sports action. I'm not exaggerating. I'm actually being generous.

What I did see was amazing. In covering the normal hill ski jumping from Whistler, NBC showed close-ups of every liftoff, then showed a tense and entertaining series of angles as the jumper flew to the bottom of the hill.

After the jump, analyst Jeff Hastings narrated slo-mo closeups of each take-off, providing smart and insightful commentary on each. We got reaction shots of every jumper, as well as of his coach. And, most interesting to me, a close up of the coach who signals the jumper to start--very tense coaches, these, as they are trying to choose the exact time within a seconds-long window when the wind will be the most propitious. See for yourself: Here's their coverage of Swissman (?) Simon Ammann's gold-medal-winning jump.

Great stuff. But there was so little of it. NBC would show two jumps, then pause for a long commercial break. The jumps themselves are about ten seconds long, with surrounding chatter lasting about a minute for each. So for every four minutes of coverage, with only about 20 seconds of action, I'd see three minutes of ads.

The ski jumping lasted about 30 minutes, in which I saw about nine actual jumps. They did show the last four or so without a break, which was nice.

Once Ammann finished off the competition, Al Michaels let us know that speed skating would be next. Awesome! Can't wait! Too bad, because I'd have to.

First, a commercial break. Then we got an update on how luge qualifying was going. Then, another commercial break.

Back: Speed skating time? Nope, a long piece by NBC sports reporter Mary Carillo, who traveled to The Netherlands to give us a sense of the Dutch passion for speed skating. A neat piece, really, and I wouldn't mind it sprinkled into some actual coverage of actual speed skating. Hadn't seen any yet. And it was time for another commercial break.

When the commercials are over, we're at the actual speed skating venue! (Richmond Olympic Oval, about ten miles south of Vancouver proper). Finally! The NBC speed skating announcers give us a little preview of the event, showing the top US contenders and then...we get another commercial break.

By the time they come back from this commercial break, it's been 30 minutes since the ski jumping ended, and I have to be somewhere. No speed skating for me, although I would've loved to see what NBC did with it. (Although, by this time, I already knew who won, NBC delays the coverage three hours and I'd accidentally spotted the winner on ESPN's crawl.)

I love what NBC is doing coverage-wise, and I understand why they have so many ads. Nice production costs money; they probably budgeted out what they were going to spend long before the advertising market went to hell. Plus they paid $2.2 billion to for rights to these and the 2012 Games; and this was back in 2003 when advertisers paid a lot more for network TV ads. So NBC has to run so many ads to make up what they've spent. I get it.

So I'm going to watch NBC's coverage, but I think, for the first time ever when watching live sports on TV, I'm going to make sure I have a book nearby when I do.

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I'm withholding judgment on that one.

But it does seem that Bob Costas is increasingly channeling Fred Willard in his Best of Show mode. He's come out with some incredibly funny off-the-wall stuff. Not clear if he understands he sounds insane or not, which is exactly what made Willard's performance so amazing.
Comment by bilco
2 days ago
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tape delay
The tape delayed coverage is especially offensive when events are happening in our backyard. I'm not sure why this is acceptable for Olympic events and no other sports. Sure, throw together a primetime highlights reel if you must, but why not show some stuff live?
Comment by josh
2 days ago
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camera focus
I am delighted that the American Ono won Silver and Cleski won Bronze. My disappointment comes in the fact that because this is a high class group of sportsmen and sportswomen and focuses on sportsmanship that the cameras or broadcasters do not give a little more camera time to the Gold medalist but focus on the USA medalist and not both medalists but one only. This comment is pointed at the short track men's ice skate.
Comment by american
2 days ago
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Olympic coverage
We on the West Coast are being abused by this continual tape delay of Olympic events. Why not show events live or close for all of us in the same time zone?
Comment by Mark
2 days ago
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RE: Olympic coverage
You are absolutely right. I think we used to have better coverage.
Comment by Gammy Sparkles
2 days ago
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From the needless and horrific death of the poor luge athlete (and obvious incompetence in designing the luge track by the IOC), to the endless commercials by NBC, I'm done. I lasted one day.
Comment by Judith
2 days ago
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NBC coverage
Not all of us saw the short track live!!! I'm watching tape delay on the west coast; you just blew the outcome for me!

I'm less than impressed with the coverage by NBC. Their sound system (while watching short track) is so weak, one can only hear the arena announcer; the NBC announcer's voices are garbled noise.
Interviews with athletes and VP Biden provide nothing of interest; the questions asked are utterly boring. ("Is this your first visit to Vancouver??"). Mary Carillo is articulate and provides interesting human interest pieces.
Comment by Shannon
2 days ago
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NBC torture
Now NBC is subjecting viewers to to failed cauldron lightings of years past..Inanae coverage
Comment by shannon
2 days ago
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NBC--the Non Broadcast Channel
NBC's coverage is HORRID. I thought this was a sporting event, not a chance for the broadcasters to hear themselves talk or to listen to endless "heartwarming" (NOT) stories of how this athlete overcame being born with six fingers and stuttering to become a world class luge athlete. NBC--JUST LET US WATCH THE FREAKING EVENTS!!
Comment by Carol Dunford
2 days ago
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Ohno won silver - Good night NBC - not watching tape delayed.
Comment by Denise
2 days ago
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What's with the perseveration with the death of that adorable Georgia athlete. (my sympathies to his family) But NBC enough is enough. Finally Costa announced tonight they are not going to play the deadly luge run again so Brain Williams goes and gathers all the tape from a whole bunch of accidents from pevious competitions and shows each incident over and over again. The commercials ....and the amount of delay is even obvious to us east coasters. Over produced and too sensationalized for me. I have concluded NBC will probably ruin this Olympis experience for me. Hey how come we have not seen them play reruns of last nights ceremoinies, except for teh Caldron debacle eigh times. KD Lang's performance, that many are talking about today, would be nice to been seen again. NBC - thumbs down from me for first 2 days.
Comment by Louise Dunphy
2 days ago
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NBC bans and blocks us from watching opening ceremony!!!!!
I am beyond outraged, to the point of wanting to make it my life's goal to bring down NBC. The fact that they created blocks for those of us who wanted to watch the opening ceremony online is pathetic beyond all measure. They have a rule that only people who own cable or have satelite service and register their account numbers are able to access online. So, those of us who do not own televisions were banned from watching. And this is an event, the World Olympics, that is about promoting connection through-out the world, about goodwill and the outrageous lack of generosity of spirit on the part of NBC is sickening. Even now, after the ceremony is long over, they continue to ban any viewing on youtube or anywhere else. They use words like infringement, violation, etc. Well, NBC YOU are a violation of humanity and Jay Leno has it right when he speaks of NBC going down the tubes. There will be a national campaign to demolish a network that chooses such low gut tactics of shutting out the viewing of an event that ought to be open to all. It should have been/should be spread across the internet. Instead of watching the opening ceremony, I spent those 4 hours searching for a venue to do so. And the run around I and thousands others got was wrenching. Even trusted watchers of justintv were dupped into believing that site was on their side, when they too sold out to NBC. Money, it is always about money and power and greed and corporations, but when it denies something as basic as the opportunity to watch the Olympics opening ceremony, even today, the day after it's been telecast is grounds for revolution!!!!!
Was the opening ceremony for the privleged or for us all??????
NBC you made a HUGE mistake. We will not go gentle into that good night...lift the ban and allow the opening ceremonies to be fully viewed to all. The time has come...peace and truth and justice! And Sun Break, have the balls/ovaries to not delete this. Let it be voiced. Show us NBC that you made a mistake, beg for our forgiveness and lift all the bans and blocks. This is not Iraq! Everyday something else is being taken away. But no, not this NBC-you have hit the bottom of the barrel on this.
Make it right!!! Have a heart and be what these games represent.
I could say so much allow the repeated showing of that poor Georgian boy being tossed into unpadded metal poles, but you will not share the glory of the opening ceremonies. How do you sleep?????
Comment by Barrack
2 days ago
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RE: NBC bans and blocks us from watching opening ceremony!!!!!
Right on that one, and it is a shame. Just like the news part, backwards and out of touch!
Comment by Gammy Sparkles
2 days ago
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Ditto to Barrack. One can only hope someone at NBC is monitoring the blogs, but I doubt they care. It's a pathetic situation when I have time to blog while sitting through the NBC "coverage".
Comment by shannon
2 days ago
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Protesting NBC's harsh and unpatriotic opening ceremony tactics
Anyone wanting to contact me about protesting NBC in regards to them banning the online watching of the opening ceremonies during and any even AFTER the event is no longer telecast (as in today), can email me directly at:
See my blog just above "NBC bans and blocks..."
NBC needs to be made aware of the impact they are having and the impact that we in turn will have on them!
Comment by Barrack
2 days ago
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"Welcome back"
It's so silly to welcome us back following a commercial break WE didn't leave - we stayed and watched the commercial. Why welcome us back to something we didn't leave? NBC left...for a commercial, hence the mature comments might be, "we're back..." Welcoming the audience back, when none of us left, is rather immature.

And, when, of when will some get to Bob Costas and help him find some warmth and humanity in his delivery? He comes off some mechanical, so "smooth" that we - the audience - know he is NOT trying for intimacy. He sounds like he's always to impress with his smooth flow. So mechanical.

And, kudos to Tom Hammond. For a horse expert he certainly his "other" athletics!! Use him more often! Maybe instead of Costas, sometimes...?????
Comment by Bobbo
2 days ago
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My goof!!!
I goofed: It should have read: "(re: Tom Hammond) "For a horse expert he certainly KNOWS hos 'other' athletics."

And, I still mean it. Costas hardly smiles; shows no warmth; is so smooth we just know he's more impressed with his delivery than his persona...which has a north-wind chill to it.

OK...enough ranting. NBC is still doing a basically dandy job!
Comment by Bobbo
2 days ago
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I am fed up with NBC coverage of the Olympics this time around. The sporting events are great to watch, but it seems like more time is devoted to the commercials than the actual events. I turn the mute on whenever they come on.
What happened to the days of Jim McKay and the early days of Costas where they had wonderful introductions to the evenings, the sponsors mentioned with Olympic music in the background. This time, even on the first day of competition there was no such introduction and no music. That was part of what made the broadcasts. There were panoramic views of the host cities. The mountains around Vancouver are so pretty, too. If all this commercial nonsense doesn't stop, I will stop - watching the Olympics. I don't want to sit through commercials all evening.
Comment by Elizabeth
2 days ago
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3 hour delay
The IOC real made a mistake in selling the games to NBC. They don't know how to schedule a talk show, why would anyone think they could do justice to the Olympics?
Delaying one of the biggest live sporting event by 3 hours is nothing but asinine.
They are the 4th rated network and there are real reasons for that - they are incompetent idiots. They made a conscious decision (more like unconscious) to delay the broadcast to the West cost by 3 hours purely for financial reasons, never mind what was best for their customers wanted. Then they lied and said this is what are customers want. If any body believes that, well there are a couple of good bridges I'll sell you cheap.

NBC deserves to be 4th in fact hopefully they will get have last feather plucked out of peacock.

They had a chance to get me as viewer at least for 16 days but blew that.
Comment by john wiens
2 days ago
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CAN WE SEE THE MEDALS CEREMONY...PLEASE ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not believe that they are not showing the medal ceremony, it is a part of the olympics I want to see. Isn't that the whole point.......Going for the GOLD?
In Salt Lake City Olympics they showed the ceremony every night.
I guess it is more important to see the news broadcasters yapping then see the actual olympics.
So much promo and fluff, and no sports.
Welcome to Corporate Olympics, never mind the athletes. Why on earth would we want to watch actual sports, when we can watch all the newsbroadcasters with all their "related" stories, and don't forget the commercials.
Is this brainwashing or what?
Comment by Katrin
2 days ago
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Olympic coverage
In Canada we believe coverage should be live. Real enthusiasts will set their alarms if they have to, to watch a sporting event live. It's an important part of being a sports fan - to witness an event as it happens and for the a network to win the opportunity to provide coverage and not to deliver is a shameful slap in the face to their audience. Over the years Americans have applauded the live coverage of the Olympics by Canada and those living within reach of the signal often tune in to benefit from the instant gratification of the local networks. As for the commercials, the right to carry a big event comes with the burden of having to pay for it, so the curse of constant interruptions is sometimes unbearable. We do flick back and forth from time to time from NBC to our local coverage when there is a break in the action but often (if there isn't an ad) we have already seen the results. I hope that doesn't turn Americans right off because there is a lot of good stuff happening and on the lighter side (no pun intended) the sun is going to shine in Vancouver.
Comment by glen
2 days ago
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Coverage is a Joke!
I hope this is the last time NBC has the Olympics. There are so many events going on and we get to see next to none of them. Why isn't this on the entire day? There are events going on the entire day. It's almost like the Olympics aren't even happening right now. Don't pat yourselves on the pat NBC, your coverage is terrible.
Comment by cjo
2 days ago
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NBC Coverage sucks
Can another network pick this up now??? NBC is doing a horrible job with these winter games. The commercials and athlete profiles are a waste when we could be watching athletes compete. The tape delay and the fact that events are happening, but we are watching woman's hockey...Sweden vs. Switzerland?? (I wouldn't mind watching Team USA when we are close to the medal rounds, but there are so many other events to watch). Come on NBC, step it up and show us the Olympics, they only come around every 4 years and you are ruining them.
Comment by Mike C
2 days ago
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RE: NBC Coverage sucks
Try for live streaming.
If it works for you hook the computer up to your TV and away you go.
Comment by glen
2 days ago
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RE: NBC Coverage sucks
nope that website only works in canada
nbc banned and blocked all viewing of the olympics online
even after the event
they won't even show the opening ceremony unless you register with them and prove with your account number that you pay for cable/satelitte. it's all about the money for them.
they are a disgrace!
Comment by barrack
17 hours ago
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NBC should be ashamed of themselves
One day into the Winter Olympics and I am already disgusted beyond belief by NBC's "coverage". For every five minutes of sports, they show at least five minutes of commercials. It's enough to make want to move to Canada. What will it take to finally bring down this disgraceful excuse for a network once and for all?
Comment by Roy
2 days ago
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incomplete coverage
Wondered who had won the short track skate, only told about the silver and bronze winners, is this because they were from the USA, come on give us all the results.
Comment by Lewis
2 days ago
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Olympic coverage - nbc
NBC needs to take some notice to the marketing and coverage presentation of the X-Games. There are great Olympic sports happening - great athletes - great energy - and then the same old white men reporting. Shouldn't they get out of the lodge and away from the fire and hit the slopes and arena? When was the last time they got any exercise - how can they have a clue what's going on? The Olympics should promote and bleed energy and engage the younger population. Instead, it's presented in such a stagnate, conservative way. Shouldn't they be required to get something going like the X-Games energy!!!


Aspen local and regular X-game attendant
Comment by Laurie
2 days ago
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Olympics streamed online for free
If you want to watch the Olympics online (as opposed to NBC commercials and announcers with a sprinkling of sports), check out:

Click the Eurosport video feed. The video broadcast is in Russian, but you can mute the video and click open the English audio feed below to hear English commentary. Works like a charm!
Comment by Roy
2 days ago
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olympic coverage
I agree with all the above comments, one more from me in California. Our local NBC TV station promoted, multiple times, in the week preceding the opening ceremonies that the ceremonies would begin at 7:30 PM (same time zone as Vancouver), only to find 1 1/2 hours of BS and the ceremonies starting at 9:00. Glad I didn't plan on any family gathering to watch it...everyone would've slept through it!!
Comment by G.L.
2 days ago
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There are other countries taking part in the Olympics
I watched some coverage this afternoon and all that was talked about and disected in great detail was the USA competitor who came in 9th. Yes 9th. The compettitors who came first,second and third were hardly given a mention. Will the USA networks please start to learn to that viewers are interested in what other countries are doing in the Olympics and not just tuning in to see the USA competitors
Comment by Rod Andrews
2 days ago
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trouble with nationalities?
please sort out what country is represented for the event namely russian or is it ukrainian. you have gone back and forth with this and they are separate countries!!! they are not the same and you should know that. it's an insult also. by the way, a long standing issue. ukrainians are not russians and to say the wrong country for an event and then change it back, well its not right.
Comment by dot
1 day ago
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Poor coverage
Wow, that are my first Olympic games to watch from US, I am French. I was expecting, as US is a great nation in sport, to see so much sport...In fact : the coverage sucks, nothing, it seems that they mean to miss the most interresting. I cannot believe it and I am so frustrated. In France, even with the difference time, you get much more to see and you do not miss the main events...Snowboard cross qualifications is ok (I am snowboarding) but I would rather see the men's downhill event...I am not even talking about the commercials...I am wondering how american youth can dream about the Olympic games.
Comment by Pascal
1 day ago
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Where are the Olympics
I thought I was tuned in for sports and ended up watching commercials. There should be more channels showing other games at the same time. With all the availible access on cable this should be a no brainer. NBC should hang their head in shame. This is a poor excuse for an American network.
Comment by Rudedog
1 day ago
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This coverage is pathetic!!
Remember many years ago when NBC made you purchase NBC Gold, Silver and Bronze coverage on cable so that you could see the Olympics 24/7? I wasn't willing to purchase it then, and I wouldn't purchase it now, but this coverage is pathetic!! I can't watch it at all because of the commercial breaks. I watched one figure skating, short program performance, and they took a 3 minute station break before the scores were announced. Sorry, but I can't watch it anymore with all of the commercials. Give me 30 minutes of curling, like the old days!! Let me see the biathalon!!

ABC, please take this away from NBC and bring back from the dead the likes of John McKay and Jean-Claude Killy.
Comment by Scooty809
1 day ago
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Jim McKay
Comment by glen
22 hours ago
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nbc sucks
this years coverage is the worst ever, especially for those of us on the west coast who have to wait until midnight to see
the downhill run at 11 am, and the coverage was terrible, they
show more skating of nurds from romania than our downhill
racers who risk their lives...
Comment by dana
22 hours ago
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shitty olympic coverage..
What coverage? I'm super pissed at the spotty NBC coverage..lets see it goes like this> big nightly intro with promises of many events..commercials..cute feel good stories...Bob "bad dye job" Costas doing his best ice cold robot commentary...commercials preceded by promise of an event...event with a minimum or runs or programs...commercials...and on and on..lets see that was 15% actual sports, 35 percent Bob Costas, 15 Mary Carillo, 10 percent Chris Collingsworth, 25 percent commercials. Oh the humanity! Is it not 2010?? Do we not desperately need a distraction from all the madness in the is country?? NBC YOU SUCK and I'll go on record as saying the last good...I mean great Olympics was Lillehammer...end of rant F U NBC
Comment by Bjarne Jonsson
20 hours ago
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poor coverage and nasty skating commentators
I agree 100% that the coverage is awful, and that we on the West Coast should be getting live coverage. But I think that the most offensive thing NBC is broadcasting out of Vancover, is the nastiness from its pairs skating commentators, they seem to live to point out others flaws. I know they need to explain what the judges are looking for, and what should be done, but I swear I just heard a commentator describe one couples year as awful, and that "at least its over now" and they had just qualified for a medal!!
Comment by bill
19 hours ago
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