The SunBreak
posted 02/18/10 08:30 AM | updated 02/17/10 10:53 AM
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Glimpses: "Morning Glory Dog @ PoDog. Hit the spot."

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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If you have not yet tried the Morning Glory Dog at Po Dogs, do so posthaste!  It is breakfast made for any time of day in delicious hot dog form.  +Russ knows what I'm talking about--thanks to him for dropping the photographic evidence in The SunBreak Flickr pool.

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Tags: glimpses, plusRuss, po dogs, hot dogs, morning glory dog, capitol hill
CommentsRSS Feed
Even at Safeco Field...
...I've never paid $7 for a hot dog.
Comment by bigyaz
5 months ago
( --3 votes)
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RE: Even at Safeco Field...
Damn it, bigyaz, ask the Times for a raise. They got that debt thing all squared away. Now is a good time.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( +1 votes)
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RE: Even at Safeco Field...
Dogs at Safeco don't come on a brioche bun.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
5 months ago
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Hey, guess whose ad is right at the top of this page???
Comment by bigyaz
5 months ago
( --2 votes)
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RE: Hey, guess whose ad is right at the top of this page???
I have enjoyed Po Dog hot dogs before and subsequent to any advertising on this site. I wrote about them even before they were open (check the archives), and I go there regularly, advertisers or no.

Sorry, bigyaz, this is no SCANDAL.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
5 months ago
( +1 votes)
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RE: Hey, guess whose ad is right at the top of this page???
Comment by josh
5 months ago
( +2 votes)
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Gee Audrey... least you're not defensive about it.
Comment by bigyaz
4 months ago
( --1 votes)
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RE: Gee Audrey...
Huh, funny that I would get defensive when I'm being trolled. Now go pay the troll toll to get into some boy's hole.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
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