The SunBreak
posted 02/19/10 10:04 AM | updated 02/19/10 10:04 AM
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Olympia's Mayor Pro Tem May Want to Sign I-1068 Petition

By Michael van Baker
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Sheriff's detectives arrested Olympia mayor pro tem Joe Hyer yesterday, alleging he engaged in "unlawful possession of a controlled substance, unlawful distribution of a controlled substance and unlawful use of a residence for drug purposes," reports Hyer has previously been a city council member, and was president of the Olympia Downtown Association.

Norm Stamper, author of "Breaking Rank"

The Northwest is home to plenty of upstanding citizens who prefer marijuana be legalized. Fresh-scrubbed travel guy Rick Steves argues that it's not Christian to put pot smokers in jail. And former Seattle "top cop" Norm Stamper wrote in to Sensible Washington, the people behind the I-1068 marijuana legalization initiative, to let them know of his support:

I thought I would reach out to you, let you know of my strong support for I-1068, and authorize use of my name (and, no doubt, that of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) if you think it would be helpful to the campaign.

Currently Sensible Washington (2,300+ Facebook fans and counting) is looking for volunteer signature gatherers and donations to the cause. In a masterstroke of strategical positioning, they'll be outside the Bon Jovi concert at Seattle Center tonight, gathering signatures. People who want to help are invited to meet at the Space Needle at 6 p.m.

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Tags: marijuana, olympia, mayor, pot, legalization, norm stamper, joe hyer, sensible washington, petition, signature, bon jovi
CommentsRSS Feed
Finally! I thought we'd never arrive at this moment. I will carry a petition everywhere I go. To have Chief Stamper's endorsement from the federal level helps to assure passage of the minimum signature threshold. Thanks to the creators of this initiative.
Comment by Jeff Spring
8 months ago
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I would like to sign this petition, along with many others down here in lakewood, but i cant make it up to Seattle, is there another way to do this?
Comment by Michael
8 months ago
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Sign I-1068
To answer Michael's questions, sign up at and you'll be notified when campaign events (signing parties, etc) are happening in your area.
Comment by Renata Rollins
8 months ago
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