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posted 02/24/10 05:27 PM | updated 02/24/10 05:27 PM
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Mayor McGinn Sends Steve Ballmer an Invitation to Chat

By Michael van Baker
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Showdown! Just got notice that Mayor Mike McGinn sent a letter to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer "saying that he would welcome the opportunity to discuss plans regarding the 520 bridge replacement project." The Mayor suggests a town campus hall with Ballmer and Microsoft employees in Redmond. See the full text of the letter after the jump.

Steve Ballmer
CEO Microsoft Corporation


The current 520 bridge is unsafe and its congestion is a serious regional problem. I believe the thousands of Microsoft employees who spend far too much time away from their families stalled on that bridge deserve better.

The proposed A+ 520 bridge replacement plan will delay replacement given its divisiveness, likelihood for a lawsuit, and failure to address the reality of climate change.

The Coalition for a Sustainable 520, House Speaker Frank Chopp (D-43), Senator Ed Murray (D-43), Representative Jamie Pedersen (D-43), Seattle Councilmembers Nick Licata and Mike O’Brien, the Sierra Club, the Cascade Bicycle Club and I support a 520 bridge replacement that maintains its current auto-capacity and features light rail from the start. We are encouraged by a recent poll showing that 69
percent of those living in affected Seattle neighborhoods and 71 percent of those living in affected Eastside neighborhoods support light rail across the 520 bridge.

Bill Gates demonstrated tremendous leadership in addressing climate change during his speech at the recent TED Conference:
“Until we get near to zero [carbon emissions] the temperature will continue to rise. That’s a big challenge. It’s very different from saying we’re a 12-foot high truck trying to get under a 10-foot bridge and we can sort of just squeeze under. This is something that has to get to zero…

We have to go from rapidly rising, to falling and falling all the way to zero.”

I appreciate your efforts to inform Microsoft employees of this issue and encouraging them to participate in the discussion over how to build the best replacement of the 520 bridge. In that spirit, I would ask that you share my response below with your employees as well. I would also welcome the opportunity to discuss this important project in a town hall with you and fellow Microsoft employees on your campus in Redmond.

Mayor Mike McGinn

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Tags: ballmer, mcginn, letter, town hall, 520, bridge, replacement
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