The SunBreak
posted 03/07/10 09:13 PM | updated 03/07/10 09:13 PM
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The Time I Made Oscar (TM) Winner Sandra Bullock Laugh

By Seth Kolloen
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Right now would seem as good a time as any to tell the story of the time I made Sandra Bullock laugh. It was 1994, outside Manhattan's Bryant Park, where limos were dropping off people going to the after-party of the MTV Movie Awards. My friend Dave and I, both NYU freshmen, thought it would be fun to go stand behind the police barriers and heckle famous people.

Speed was the big movie that summer, but I hadn't seen it, so I didn't recognize the person who everyone started yelling "Sandra!" at. Someone shouted out "Speech! Speech!" I found this all endlessly amusing, because, who was this person? I'd never heard of her or seen her. So I yell out, sarcastically, "You should run for President!"

And she laughed. It wasn't actually very funny, I'm sure she laughed out of a mixture of surprise and pity.

Anyway, there it is, the story of how I made Sandra Bullock laugh. Not a very good one, is it?

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Tags: sandra bullock, 2010 oscars, boring stories
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