The SunBreak
posted 03/17/10 04:15 PM | updated 03/17/10 04:24 PM
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The Washington State Dem Who Voted Against Health Care

By Audrey Hendrickson
Film & TV Editor
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It's do-or-die time for health care reform.  Yes, again.  As Democratic leadership is once more trying to get the votes for the House to pass the Senate's bill via the reconciliation process--and seriously fellas, it's time to crack that whip or just deem-and-pass already--voters have been overwhelming Washington D.C. switchboards calling their representatives.

Of course, the ones who have been receiving the most phone calls and emails (and probably death threats) are the Democratic holdouts on the bill, who have publicly declared their indecision and/or lack of support.  The Washington Post has a great table that allows you to see where all the Representatives stand.  If you sort by state, you can easily find the breakdown for Washington's nine districts:  4 votes yes (all Dems: Inslee, Larsen, Dicks, McDermott), 3 votes no (all GOP: Hastings, McMorris Rodgers, Reichert), and 2 undecided, both Dems.  Let's take a look at those last two a little more closely.

Brian Baird is one of the 37 House Dems who voted against the health care reform bill last fall.  He announced last December that he's not going to run for re-election, and yet, he still remains undecided about his vote on the current bill. He represents the 3rd District, which includes parts of Cowlitz, Clark, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania, Thurston, and Wahkiakum counties. In a press release issued last Friday, Baird states:

The legislation that is currently being discussed in the House of Representatives is far different from the bill I voted against in November 2009.

I have not seen the proposed changes to the Senate health care bill nor has the Congressional Budget Office released its estimated costs of the new proposal.

Until I am able to read the new proposal and know the costs, I will not decide on how to vote on passage. 

Oh come on already.  Dude, you can leave office having done something or having done nothing--your call.  You literally have nothing to lose.

Adam Smith (not to be confused with the father of capitalism) represents Washington State's 9th District, which includes South King County, as well as parts of Thurston and Pierce counties. He voted for the health care reform bill last fall, so not quite sure what the holdup is now.  According to McClatchy, earlier this week, Smith "emerged from an Obama meeting saying that he remained undecided."

Jeez louise, guys, hurry up and make a decision; this is kinda important.  I urge Washington State voters--especially the 3rd and 9th District constituents--to call or email these politicians and give 'em a nudge.  Whether you back or oppose this particular health care bill, these politicians should at least have the balls to publicly declare where they stand.

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Tags: health care reform, hcr, moderate democrats, democratic party, brian baird, adam smith, house of representatives, reconciliation, pass-and-deem, deem and pass
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Health Care Vote
I would think knowing the area you represent there is no question about voting for this health care policy. The unemployment in your area and the number of low income people you represent, is more than enough for a national health care policy. I strongly urge you and your fellow congressmen to do the right thing for all of us to vote for this bill.
Comment by Ella Aprill
3 weeks ago
( +1 votes)
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