The SunBreak
posted 04/01/10 09:47 AM | updated 04/01/10 09:47 AM
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Please, Don't Sponsor Fourth of July Fireworks

By Michael van Baker
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The March 6, 2010, fireworks downtown, thanks to Lux_Tyro

With all due respect to Kara Ceriello, president of the Wallingford Chamber of Commerce, we can do without fireworks this year. Event producers One Reel, in their letter announcing the fireworks cancellation, says they were unable to secure corporate sponsorship of the event, a $500,000 fee.

You have to ask, especially now, what else our very limited supply of corporations who can afford a $500,000 gift might fund instead of fireworks? Maybe they could keep five vital non-profits open this year with $100,000 grants.

I know that spending "fun" money on serious things makes some people crazy. But our economic situation is very serious for thousands upon thousands of Seattle residents, and we seem to have lost touch with the idea of even temporary community sacrifice.

Let's not pretend we're experiencing some sort of fireworks deficit in the first place. There were fireworks downtown this March. We blew up the Space Needle for New Year's.

Fireworks on the Fourth has, in becoming an "annual tradition," become a stand-in for a creative community response to the holiday. It's the package we buy because who has time and there it is on the shelf, just like last year. We know the Fourth happened because we saw the fireworks on TV.

What would a real "Family Fourth" look like? Would it happen over several days, rather than a half-hour one evening? I feel like we can do better if we take the opportunity the recession is handing us to figure out what, exactly, we're celebrating. One Reel has hopes to bring back the fireworks next year. But this year, if we get the chance to plan our own party, what could we do instead?

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Tags: fireworks, one reel, fourth of july, 4th, family fourth, holiday
CommentsRSS Feed
A small fraction of that annual half million explosives expenditure could seed some pretty great community parties. Even in boom times, expensive pyrotechnic displays seem garish and disconnected; so it's hard for me to sympathize with the tears being shed for this recession-induced break.
Comment by josh
2 days ago
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Why do you hate America?
Why don't you move to communist russia if you hate america this bad
Comment by Steve Winwood
2 days ago
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RE: Why do you hate America?
Don't we get the fireworks from communist China? If all their fireworks end up here, maybe I should move there instead. Quieter.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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RE: Why do you hate America?
Relax, technoSteveWinwood.
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
2 days ago
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I gotta say, I read this with trepidation thinking it was going to be some odd old-school Seattleite-inspired tirade (though I should have known better). But it's dam smart and spot on. MvB for Mayor!
Comment by Charlie
2 days ago
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when i saw the story on this last night, i was kind of relieved. I live in wallingford about 5 blocks from gasworks. I went to the fourth of july festivities there one year and never again (I was able to avoid it last year by being in a different country) It was so crowded with obnoxious people coming drunk or getting drunk there. The kids were kind of cute, but since I don't have any... it was less than a fun atmosphere. I realize people will go there again without fireworks, but maybe they won't block my driveway with their huge SUVs this year and instead enjoy a lovely afternoon bbq'ing and throwing a frisbee or something. that sounds like fun on the 4th for me.
Comment by morgen
2 days ago
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Replacement planned for Lake Union fireworks
I hope that our scaled down version of the Lake Union fireworks will suffice.
Comment by Kevin Lisota
2 days ago
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Seafair Fourth
First of all the Blue Angels are loud, they waste tax dollars, and they represent a military that I will not support until running water is brought to the nations of...wait, I'm sorry, what are we talking about.
Comment by David Swidler
2 days ago
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RE: Seafair Fourth
Why you hate America.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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Come on...
"Maybe they could keep five vital non-profits open this year with $100,000 grants."

I think it's cute that you think the alternative for a company spending $500,000 on a fireworks show is spending money on community service...

The real choice is $500,000 for a fireworks show or $500,000 to stockholders.

Seriously though, it's a show watched by probably hundreds of thousands that builds great civic pride. If it's privately financed by a company that gets it's requisite publicity, I'm not sure how you shouldn't be happy about that.

I mean, I'm not happy about the way alot of companies (or governments) spend alot of the money that they do. Doesn't mean I can't appreciate a fun, once a year event.
Comment by BigGreenFrank
2 days ago
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RE: Come on...
It's April Fool's Day, BGF. I don't actually think any company is going to run out and follow my advice. They haven't made a history of it so far, anyway.

But corporate sponsorship money is just that--it goes to serve corporate goals, including reach, visibility, image. The Family Fourth is a good sponsorship, no question. But I can think of a number of non-profits with significant visibility and even more image-burnishing capabilities. That's not community service, it's strategic.

I think the fireworks show gets a total audience of 500,000, depending on the weather. And absolutely there's a civic pride element.

But my point is that there are a lot of ways to celebrate the Fourth. Civic pride comes from all over. How many years in a row have we done fireworks? A year off won't kill us, and we might come up with something new that would be equally popular. And dogs will thank us.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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The History Nerd Says
I would like to see a city-wide mandated viewing of the musical 1776.
Comment by Seth Kolloen
2 days ago
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Fight the real enemy
I say we pay $500,000 to Sinead Oconner to tear up another picture of the Pope again this fourth of July
Comment by Steve Winwood
1 day ago
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4th Fireworks
Hey maybe if the city would give us back some freedom we could shoot off our own fireworks and we wouldn't have to rely on the city or corporations to "entertain" us. It now seems lots of various sponsors put up enough money to put on a show after all this year. I wonder how many dollars goes for porta potties vs the actual fireworks? Yeah I gave up going years ago because of the traffic. Local neighborhood fireworks festivals would seem better for all of us, give us a chance to meet and greet the neighbors.
Comment by Brian Baker
1 day ago
( +1 votes)
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