The SunBreak
posted 04/06/10 12:06 PM | updated 04/06/10 12:06 PM
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Seattle Gamer Beats 28-Year-Old Asteroids High Score

By Michael van Baker
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(via KokuGamer) Listen up! 41,338,740 points is the new high score to beat on Asteroids. Seattle locksmith John McAllister took three days to rack it up. (The previous world-record title was set in 1982 by Scott Safran, with 41,336,440.)

If he's this John McAllister, ladies, he seems to be single, he can fix your locks, and the incredible tedium of three days of playing a 1979 video game with rudimentary graphics and audio doesn't phase him.

McAllister adds to our pantheon of Seattle-area world-class arcade gamers. Kirkland's Steve Wiebe is a Donkey Kong master. Personally, I would like to see some love given to Zaxxon.

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Tags: asteroids kokugamer kgw video, world, record, high score
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High Score documentary
There is a great documentary that came out a couple of years ago about Portlander Bill Carlton's attempt to beat the Asteroids record. It seems the biggest challenge is to keep the vintage games reliable enough to not crash partway through the game.
Comment by CentralCinema
2 days ago
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RE: High Score documentary
Yeah, I guess they overheat, or there's bugs in upper levels because no one tested that high up. How thrilling is that, after a day and half, to have the game crash on you.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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Love the new interest in competitive arcade gaming
Being an enthusiast myself, I'm tickled to see that more locals are popping up on the Twin Galaxy scene.

Unfortunately, Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell's highly publicized feud over the top score at Donkey Kong has been surpassed by a 35 year old plastic surgeon from New York named Hank Chien. Wiebe still holds his Donkey Kong Jr. score, but it seems imminent that there is going to be a badass showdown betwixt Wiebe, Mitchell, and Chien in the near future.
Comment by Casey Doran
2 days ago
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