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posted 06/15/10 10:00 AM | updated 06/15/10 02:01 PM
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Kevin Wood: Malfunkshun's Love Rock Still Awaits You People

By Clint Brownlee
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Malfunkshun's Hard Rock gig poster

Some 30 years ago, brothers Kevin and Andrew Wood and Regan Hagar formed the "love rock"-pioneering band Malfunkshun. Thanks to Kevin's scorching guitar, Regan's thunderous drums, and Andy's songwriting and charisma, the trio's music was one of the few things born in the '80s that didn't suck. (The face paint and stage antics, I think, sucked by design.)

That's why a resurrected Malfunkshun, and a forthcoming documentary about Andy and the band, aren't simply artifacts of nostalgia.

No, there's much more significance and depth to Malfunkshun the band, Malfunkshun: The Andrew Wood Story, and all that's come between and since. Andy passed away in early 1990, just as his next band, Mother Love Bone, was on the brink of serious success. His void and the local music community's celebration of his short, bright life before it, you could argue, changed the world.

Kevin and Regan have continued making music in other bands, and at times with each other—even to play Malfunkshun songs with Shawn Smith at the mic (as From the North and All Hail the Crown). Kevin set up his own independent label, Wammybox, to distribute Malfunkshun-related music. And the film, which debuted at 2005 film festivals (including a Neptune Theatre-hosted SIFF sellout) and then disappeared as quickly as its subject, is finally getting a release.

Next Friday's Malfunkshun event at the Hard Rock Cafe brings the film and the band—with a "surprise" vocalist singing Andy's original lyrics—back to the spotlight. (Tickets are available for both the music half and film screening/music whole.) I recently checked in with Kevin about this special evening and what will follow.

What’s going on with Wammybox? Looks like you’ve been busy.

Yeah, I got some distribution. The From the North Monument CD will be released commercially in August and be available in retail, iTunes, etc., and online at wammybox. I'm ready to support it as well in the flesh. I'm working with a cat in L.A. who is helping open some doors. I'm putting out All Hail in October, and have plans to release my brother Brian's CD in early 2011. [It is] co-produced by Stone Gossard. I'm also working on a solo Andy limited-edition vinyl LP.

Will these releases be identical to your self-released discs?

All Hail the Crown is entirely new. From the North morphed into All Hail, but it's an entirely different thing. Rob Day and Mike Hommel are the rhythm section, and we decided to go with the new feel and sound. Shawn Smith is on vocals and that's about the only thing besides me that's the same as From the North.

The Andy CD will be the same as the Untitled Demos I've been selling at wammybox for years. I'm also going to package the old Mfunk stuff as well, but with limited distribution. That's kind of a niche thing for connoisseurs.

What kind of release is planned for the film?

[Director] Scot Barbour worked out a deal with Universal to put it out. The release will include an Andy solo CD and a re-release of the Malfunkshun Return to Olympus CD. It's a box set. The DVD and CDs will be available separately and by download at iTunes.

Why isn't Regan Hagar on the Hard Rock poster?

Regan was offered the option but declined. I don't know why. He is happy with being in Brad and Satchel and I am happy for him. He is truly one of my oldest friends. Steve Fourier is an incredible replacement, though. Watch for the drum solo.

If Shawn Smith isn't singing with Malfunkshun, who is?

I'm very excited about Shawn's success with Brad and Satchel, and extremely excited about having him in All Hail the Crown. All I can tell you is it's going to be a surprise.

Is All Hail recording new, non-Andy songs?

Yes, All Hail is all Shawn's lyrics. It was important to have the full-blown Shawn experience on the material. Rob Day wrote some of the tunes on All Hail too, so it's more of a collaborative effort. Everyone has room to shine. I still have tons of Andy material, though. He inspires me still.

Are you looking to carry "love rock" on with that band?

I carry the torch of love rock with every band I play in. Shawn and the guys are all on board as well.

Will the new Malfunkshun continue to play shows?

Yes, the dream is still alive. It really always went beyond the three of us. It was an all-inclusive expression of creativity that encompasses all influences and talents. That's what love rock is all about. A channeling of our gift of expression that includes and never excludes. An expression of love, in rock music.

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Tags: kevin wood, satchel, brad, malfunkshun, shawn smith, mother love bone, andrew wood, hard rock cafe, the andrew wood story, scot barbour, wammybox, from the north, all hail the crown
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