The SunBreak
posted 07/03/10 02:58 PM | updated 07/03/10 02:58 PM
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The Weekend Wrap is Celebrating Indie-Style

By Michael van Baker
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TOOBS! Who are they? What do they want?

Seattle's June weather "may get WORSE under global warming," says UW meteorologist Cliff Mass, by which he means cooler. Is trying to keep warm responsible for all the outdoor sex we're reportedly having? On the topic of indoor sex, the Weekly's Rick Anderson explains Frank Colacurcio's passing for newcomers. Which is a good way to bring up the City's new crime map (includes graffiti!).

Sightline figures that the deep-bore tunnel will pay for itself, using gas taxes, in 14,500 years. In Bellevue, people are worried that light rail will ruin the neighborhood. First time for everything, I guess.

Comcast rates are going up--or not. Depends on which package you have, says TechFlash. What is that, $500 per reader? Crosscut got a $400,000 grant from the Gates Foundation. Here's the list of initiatives you might see on the fall ballot--not the legalize pot one.

Fireworks central is Wallingford, who would like to explain how this whole thing works. U District Daily has photos of the NE 45th Street Viaduct deconstruction--only two and a half months to go.

The Capitol Hill hot dog wars are upon us! Someone's poisoning squirrels in the CD. MyGreenlake put a local face on "urban farming": bees, goats, and chickens...oh, my! MyBallard had the poop on Ballard's contribution to the Gulf's supply of skimmers. Maple Leaf has a bank robbery problem, while The Southlake gets a wooden boat festival this weekend.

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Tags: weekendwrap, frank colacurcio, comcast rates, hot dog wars, crosscut, sightline, gates foundation
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Deep Bore Tunnel
Does this belong in the 1st paragraph about sex in the outdoors?
Comment by bilco
2 days ago
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