The SunBreak
posted 08/03/10 02:53 PM | updated 08/03/10 02:53 PM
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Our Ballteam's Back: Is There Gonna Be Trouble?

By Seth Kolloen
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Wakamatsu: On Notice

I'm no public relations expert, but I feel confident in asserting the following: If you are drawing up the PR plan for a baseball team, you do not pencil in, for the first day of a long August homestand, that the lead stories in your local newspaper be about how pissed off your second baseman is and that your team is the worst in the city's history.

Sadly this is the state of your Seattle Mariners, coming off of a 6-22 July, the worst month in franchise history. Here are the M's awful hitting stats for July--viewer discretion is advised, as some stats may not be appropriate for sensitive fans.

Local and national media speculate that manager Don Wakamatsu may get fired. The logic for firing Wakamatsu goes like this: By benching Ken Griffey Jr. and hastening The Kid's retirement, Wakamatsu angered Mariner vets. Said vets have publicly questioned Wakamatsu's leadership, torpedoing team confidence and morale. Hence, a six-win July. 

What do you think? Personally, I think it's a load of crap, and Wakamatsu should be lauded for having the courage to bench Griffey. Good managers ought to put results above feelings, in my view.

As it happens, my view and $3.95 will get you a single-brewed cup of artistan Joe at a fake Starbucks. Mariner poobahs will decide Wakamatsu's fate. And, no doubt feeling embarrassed by headed toward a second-100-loss season in two years, they may decide that change is required. Keep your ears perked: If Wakamatsu gets the boot, it will probably happen in the next week or two--any later and it's really too late to have any impact whatsoever on the season (though it could still happen).

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Tags: mariners, baseball, don wakamatsu, chone figgins, ken griffey jr
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Go Mariners!
Giving up Cliff Lee signalled the end of the Mariner's season. Given the players Waku was given to work with it is amazing they have won as many games as they have. Ken Griffey was a marketing tool that even he got tired of, when your DH can't hit it is time to go. What is amazing how well former Mariner players do once they leave Seattle, era's go down, batting averages go up, stellar fielding happens and they go to the playoffs and the World Series. We have had good coaches but they couldn't do the impossible either.
Comment by Buzzsaw
2 months ago
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Nice to know you , Wak
The 'belief system' crap was tired on April 10th.

Bottom line - the manager has to bring the players on their team to their best potential. Is there anyone in the universe who thinks we're even half there?

Hope your second job works out for you, Wak, you seem like a pleasant fellow.
Comment by bilco
2 months ago
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Hey - at least the Sounders are still interesting!
Comment by Tony
2 months ago
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