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posted 11/08/10 07:45 AM | updated 11/08/10 08:18 AM
Featured Post! | Views: 101 | Comments : 2 | Visual Arts

Glimpses: "Subjective Matter 5 (Georgetown) - Artificial"

By Jeremy M. Barker
Arts Editor-at-Large
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Don't worry, Seattle--I'm not sure what the title means, either. :-) (From smohundro in our Flickr pool.)

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Subjective Matter
It was a "treasure hunt" theme of a photo gathering. We were all given 10 words to illustrate with photographs. "Artificial" was one. The name of the gathering is "Subject(ive) Matter" -- the subject you choose to photograph for the word is subjective.
Comment by Steve M
3 weeks ago
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RE: Subjective Matter
That's a cool idea!
Comment by Jeremy M. Barker
3 weeks ago
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