The SunBreak
posted 11/15/10 02:30 PM | updated 11/15/10 01:55 PM
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Lake City Gets a Nickelsville for the Holidays

By Michael van Baker
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Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith

Last week, the 100 to 150 inhabitants of the roving homeless camp Nickelsville were grumbling that the good news about a semi-permanent SoDo site, at the former Sunny Jim factory, was not great news, as there was still a winter to get through before the SoDo site would be ready for campers. 

Today, Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith had an answer. For four to six months, Nickelsville can shelter at the site of the former Fire Station 39 (northwest corner of Northeast 127th Street and 30th Avenue Northeast) in Lake City.

"With snow forecast for this weekend and warnings of a long winter ahead, we moved fast to get the tent city residents into a secure and warm spot," Smith said. "During this time of economic hardship and limited resources, it is incumbent upon the city to make use of resources, such as the former fire station, with creativity and compassion. It is our hope that the temporary use by Nickelsville will be met with understanding."

Or not: "This is another example of the mayor just thrusting something on Lake City without consultation," Peter Lukevich, president of the Lake City Chamber of Commerce, told Chuck Dickey, head of the Lake City Lions Club, seconded that motion: "We have enough homeless people in Lake City."

The city’s Department of Finance and Administrative Services, which owns and manages the old fire station and the new Fire Station 39 next door, will continue to manage the site. When and if approval is granted for the Sunny Jim relocation--that site still needs to be cleared and graded--a nonprofit or other organization will manage the encampment, providing services to residents and information for the city. 

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Tags: nickelsville, camp, homeless, lake city, sodo, sunny jim
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Nickelsville in Lake City
This is the first I've heard of this move, and I live five blocks away from the fire station.
Shouldn't any warning/info have been given to residents?
Comment by Lewises
1 day ago
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RE: Nickelsville in Lake City
You have to suspect--I'm a cynic, I admit--that the stealth move was to forestall any kind of neighborhood response.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 day ago
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