Readings and Signing for the Week of November 15, 2010

by Constance Lambson on November 15, 2010

You should be going to BlogsGiving, tonight. In other news, after last week’s multiple cancellations, I feel compelled to remind readers to please call to confirm an event, before you pay for parking. ‘Tis the season for canceled and delayed flights, snow storms and black ice.

11/15/10 2 p.m. Secret Garden Books
Seattle Children’s Theatre
Lyle the Crocodile
The Secret Garden Bookshop teams up with Seattle Children’s Theatre to bring books to life.

11/15/10 6 p.m. Columbia City Theatre
A Benefit for Northwest Harvest
If I weren’t dying of the influenza, I would be here.

11/15/10 6 p.m. Pilot Books
Writer’s Group
“New exercises every week. Come prepared to write and discuss.” Aye, Cap’n!

11/15/10 7 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
Justin Spring & Wendy Moffatt
A Great Unrecorded History: A New Life of E.M. Forster / Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade
Two great books about notable and noteworthy queers; one famous, the other infamous.

11/15/10 7 p.m. UW Bookstore
Kim O’Donnel
The Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook: Vegetarian Recipes Carnivores Will Devour
Vegetarian cooking for carnivores. Don’t ask me, I just work here.

11/15/10 7 p.m. Richard Hugo House
Rose Alley Press
Group Reading
Elizabeth Austen, Lana Hechtman Ayers, Oliver de la Paz, Nashira Priester, Belle Randall, Amy Schrader, Michael Dylan Welch, and others.

11/15/10 7 p.m. UW Johnson Hall, Room 102
Steven Simon
The Sixth Crisis: Iran, Israel, America, and the Rumors of War
“Exploring the three aspects of Israel-Iran-U.S. crisis, The Sixth Crisis provides the first full account of the situation since President Barack Obama took office, presenting a comprehensive look at the complex diplomacy underway to temper Iran’s nuclear program and its implications on international security.” – UW

11/15/10 7:30 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Christopher Wills
Darwinian Tourist:Viewing The World Through Evolutionary Eyes
“From the underwater life of Indonesia’s Lambeh Strait to an earthquake off the island of Yap, Wills demonstrates how ecology and evolution have interacted to create our world.” – Town Hall

11/15/10 8 p.m. Pilot Books
Caitlyn McGehee, Emily Wittenhagen, & Zac Fulton
Group Reading

11/16/10 4 p.m. UW Communications Bldg., Room 226
Trevor Griffey
Black Power at Work
“Trevor Griffey, Project Coordinator for the Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project, will discuss his new book, which chronicles the history of direct action campaigns to open up the construction industry to black workers in the 1960s and 1970s.” – UW

11/16/10 6 p.m. Northeast Branch Library
Judy Bentley
Hiking Washington’s History
Trail guide from UW Press.

11/16/10 6:30 p.m. UW Campus, Kane Hall, Room 120
Gary Nabhan
“Collaborative Conservation to Restore America’s Wild Food Diversity”
A lecture by one of the key founders of the local food movement.

11/16/10 7 p.m. UW Bookstore
100 Years Later
Mark Twain Reading
A celebration of the great American humorist and writer.

11/16/10 7 p.m. Seattle Public Library
Peter Yarrow
Yeah, it’s Peter, from Peter, Paul, and Mary.

11/16/10 7:30 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Ian Morris
Why the West Rules—For Now: The Patterns of History and What They Reveal About the Future
“Here you have three books wrapped into one: an exciting novel that happens to be true; an entertaining but thorough historical account of everything important that happened to any important people in the last ten millennia; and an educated guess about what will happen in the future.” –Jared Diamond

11/16/10 7:30 p.m. UW Bookstore
James Kakalios
The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics
Truth is stranger than fiction, but I’m still waiting for my flying car.

11/16/10 11:30 7 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
Valerie Trueblood w/ Megan Cole
Marry or Burn
I’m uncertain about the time listed for this event. That just doesn’t seem right. I would call to double-check, personally. Actually, I personally will probably be dead from the ‘flu by then.

11/17/10 6 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Greg Graffin
Anarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without God
Dr. Graffin, PhD and lead singer of Bad Religion, will discuss his book. Moderated by Steve Olsen, co-author.

11/17/10 6 p.m. Richard Hugo House
Write Time
Weekly drop-in writing group for teens.

11/17/10 6:30 p.m. Secret Garden Books
Heather Davis
The Clearing
The author drops in to talk with the shop Book Club.

11/17/10 7 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
Cedar Sigo
Stranger in Town
“A reality made of poetry is all one could ask for, and here it is—created of skillful, elegant, lyric moments and lines. A door opens to a light, fluent room, where narratives of ‘urban mysticism’ are pursued. An ear moves from ‘professional music’ to the sound of melting snow. Poems that breathe with a forthright intimacy.” –Joanne Kyger

11/17/10 7 p.m. UW Bookstore
Margaret Ashford-Totter
Thunder in the Building #2
A UW Book Store employee reads from her book at her workplace. Does she get paid for this?

11/17/10 7 p.m. Richard Hugo House
Stage Fright
Open mic for teens.

11/17/10 7:30 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
Micah Zenko
Between Threats and War: U.S. Discrete Military Operations in the Post-Cold War World
“Zenko’s analysis of the limited use of force is brilliant and timely. He breaks new ground in moving beyond Cold War thinking to assess the efficacy of specific military measures in a unipolar environment. This work is a major step in sharpening the application of U.S. military force to achieve political aims abroad. A ‘must-read’ for anyone—military or civilian—who wants to participate in or understand U.S. national security decision-making.” –General (ret.) Wesley Clark

11/17/10 7:30 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Simon Winchester
Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Heroic Discoveries, Titanic Storms, And A Vast Ocean Of A Million Stories
“Geological history meets the history of human habitation to tell readers about The Atlantic, the “inland sea of Western civlization.”" –UW

11/18/10 12 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
David Tanis w/ Jill Lightner
Heart of the Artichoke and Other Kitchen Journeys
The head chef at Chez Panisse… with recipes!

11/18/10 7 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
Chase Jarvis
Seattle 100: Portrait of a City
The Seattle native returns with a photography book about Seattle.

11/18/10 7 p.m. UW Bookstore
Harold McGee
The Keys to Good Cooking: A Guide to Making the Best of Foods and Recipes
Hopefully the reading is more interesting than the text.

11/18/10 7 p.m. Barnes & Noble Downtown
Judy Ford
Every Day Love: the Delicate Art of Caring for Each Other
A family counselor and inspirational speaker presents “tiny tales of lovers’ quarrels, heartaches, and glorious triumphs.”

11/18/10 7:30 p.m. Open Books Poem Emporium
Kazim Ali & Sarah Vap
Autobiography and Cities / Faulkner’s Rosary
Poetry reading.

11/18/10 7:30 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Nora Ephron
I Remember Nothing: and Other Reflections
Ms. Ephron never fails. Witty and insightful, she offers hard truths in palatable bites.

11/18/10 7:30 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Robert Glennon
Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It
The tragedy and irony of the impending water crisis.

11/19/10 12 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Re-Imagining the GDP
A panel including David Batker of Earth Economics; Martin Collier of the Glaser Progress Foundation; and John de Graaf of Take Back Your Time discusses GDP alternatives that might better reflect our true condition (Genuine Progress Indicator, Gross National Happiness). KPLU reporter Bellamy Pailthorp moderates. Presented by Seattle CityClub as part of its Environment & Sustainability Series.

11/19/10 2 p.m. Barnes & Noble Downtown
Jonathan Weyer
The Faithful
“Pastor Aidan Schaeffer is undergoing a crisis. He’s lost his faith in God, is embroiled in the middle of an investigation involving the ritualized death of his former girlfriend, and is being attacked by demonic forces.” – B&N

11/19/10 6 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
Jo Scott-Coe
Teacher at Point Blank: Confronting Sexuality, Violence, and Secrets in a Suburban School
A memoir by a former teacher that “addresses issues of teacher attrition, student performance, and school violence.”

11/19/10 7 p.m. Odegaard Library, Room 220
Dr. Charles Johnson
Middle Passage
The scholar, writer, and philosopher will read and sign.

11/19/10 7 p.m. Richard Hugo House
Hugo Literary Series
Mother Knows Best
Lauren Weedman, Stacey Levine, David Lasky, and Zoe Muth perform work commissioned by Richard Hugo House.

11/19/10 7 p.m. Seattle Public Library
Ken Armstrong & Jonathan Martin
The Other Side of Mercy: A Killer’s Journey Across the American Divide
“Ken Armstrong and Jonathan Martin went far beyond the headlines in The Other Side of Mercy … What emerges from their research is not just a snapshot of a remorseless killer, but a portrait of a man careening towards destruction and how he was helped along the way by a cast of unwitting accomplices … Solidly researched and brilliantly written, the book is a real heartbreaker.” –Robert Ferrigno

11/19/10 7 p.m. UW Bookstore
Mary Robinette Kowal
Shades of Milk and Honey
Ms. Kowal presents her lovely historical fantasy novel (though she claims it is SF, iirc), perfect for fans of Jane Austen. She also happens to be a professional puppeteer, based in Portland. Maybe she’ll bring some puppets. Because, puppets!

11/19/10 7 p.m. Town Hall Seattle
Tim Wu
The Master Switch: The Rise And Fall Of Information Empires
Is Big Brother watching us? Worse is he programming your brain?

11/20/10 9 a.m. Magnuson Park
Friends of the SPL
Holiday Sale
Books for sale, tuppence a bag.

11/20/10 11 a.m. Barnes & Noble U-Village
Seattle Musical Theatre

11/20/10 12 p.m. Richard Hugo House
NaNoWriMo Write-In
Work on your novel at Hugo House, in the company of like-minded lunatics.

11/20/10 12 p.m. Seattle Mystery Bookshop
Rick Anderson
Seattle Vice: Strippers, Prostitution, Dirty Money and Crooked Cops in the Emerald City
Sasquatch sent me a copy of this and it looks really interesting. I’m hoping to be well enough to read it very soon. Hopefully, there will be a review up before Mr. Anderson’s signing.

11/20/10 3 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
Crab Creek Review
Group Reading
Erin Malone, Kevin Miller, Peter Pereira, Michael Schmeltzer, and Martha Silano are scheduled to read.

11/20/10 4 p.m. Green Lake Branch Library
Poetry reading and open mic.

11/20/10 5 p.m. Barnes & Noble Downtown
Linda Morgan
Beyond Smart: Boosting Your Child’s Academic, Social, and Emotional Potential
The cast drops by to sing and dance and make romance.

11/20/10 7 p.m. Pilot Books
Don Mee Choi, Jen Currin, Crystal Curry, & Deborah Woodard
Group Reading
Poetry reading.

11/21/10 2 p.m. Elliott Bay Book Company
My Thoughts Be Bloody: The Bitter Rivalry Between Edwin and John Wilkes Booth That Led to an American Tragedy
My Thoughts Be Bloody: The Bitter Rivalry Between Edwin and John Wilkes Booth That Led to an American Tragedy
“Filled with ambition, rivalry, betrayal, and tragedy, this story of the celebrated Shakespearean actor Junius Brutus Booth and the two sons, Edwin and John Wilkes, who competed to wear his crown, is as gripping as a fine work of fiction. Yet, given the role that the younger played in murdering President Abraham Lincoln, My Thoughts Be Bloody is simultaneously an important work of history—the best account I have ever read of the complex forces that led John Wilkes Booth to carry a gun into Ford’s Theatre on April 14, 1865.” –Doris Kearns Goodwin

11/21/10 3 p.m. SAAM
Barbara Pollack
The Wild, Wild East: An American Art Critic’s Adventures in China
“A fresh and insightful take on the burgeoning Chinese art market and its general impact on the culture. Not to be missed.” – Anne Glimcher, Pace Wildenstein Gallery

11/21/10 9 p.m. The Can Can
The Bushwick Book Club
S. Morgenstern’s The Princess Bride
Local musicians perform original music inspired by the book.

Filed under Literature