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posted 11/14/10 10:00 AM | updated 11/15/10 09:57 AM
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You're Invited to BlogsGiving III Tonight

By Michael van Baker
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Our annual social hour and fundraiser for Northwest Harvest is tonight, November 15! Visit our Facebook invitation page for more details and to RSVP.

Join the writers and readers of such blogs as Rainier Valley Post, SouthendSeattle, CD News, Capitol Hill Seattle, and Seattlest for some fun with YouTube, a beer tasting courtesy of Newcastle Brown Ale*, and a limited supply of complimentary pizza from Tutta Bella.

This year we're going to be meeting up in Columbia City, at the Bourbon Bar (4916 Rainier Ave. S.) from 6 to 9 p.m.

If pizza and beer isn't enough, know that the Bourbon Bar also has a new bar menu of small plates and, you guessed it, a wonderful selection of bourbon.

We're also hooking the bar's TV up to the internets for the evening, so help us build a YouTube playlist by posting your favorite(s) in the comments.

All of this for just a $5 suggested donation at the door, or two cans of food. See you there!

*Please enjoy the one and only Newcastle Brown Ale responsibly.

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Tags: blogsgiving, bourbon bar, columbia city theater, party, Northwest Harvest
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Under the Poppy
Of course I am nominating that video for Blogsgiving.

Also, the Obama parody, A Modern U.S. President, which kicks boo-tay.
Comment by Constance Lambson
4 weeks ago
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Oh, this one, this one, please!
Comment by Constance Lambson
3 weeks ago
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so sorry, bloggivingers
Sorry folks - I'd have loved to have joined local blog establishment for this event. But, I'm out of town, enjoying the sweaty sweet heat and humidity of our neighbor to the south, Brazil.

Also looking forward to understanding more about how 'Brazilians' make the world a better place.
Comment by bilco
4 weeks ago
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RE: so sorry, bloggivingers
Oh, well, try to soldier on, bilco. I know it won't be the same, with all the heat and humidity!
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 weeks ago
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I'm going to be on a beach in 85 degree weather. I remember last year, it was super cold AND I was sick. Justice.
Comment by TroyJMorris
3 weeks ago
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DOWNVOTE! But you'll be missed, of course.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 weeks ago
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OH! So Bilco gets a pat on the back for missing it, but I get a downvote?!

I see, I see. You'll get your comeuppance! I'll see to it!
Comment by TroyJMorris
2 weeks ago
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Why oh why on a Monday?
I'll be conversing with non-native English speakers at the library instead...sad, because it was fun last year!
Comment by ozmafan
3 weeks ago
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RE: Why oh why on a Monday?
That doesn't absolve you of YouTube clip responsibility, ozmafan! You can still be there in internet spirit.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 weeks ago
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I'm scheduling my return flight from Chicago to be able to catch at least some of this. That is if airlines, trains, and exhaustion cooperate.
Comment by josh
3 weeks ago
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RE: maybe
Wow. That's some dedication. Way to make the rest of us look like slackers.
Comment by TroyJMorris
2 weeks ago
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C is for..
Comment by TroyJMorris
2 weeks ago
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