The SunBreak
posted 01/06/11 09:37 AM | updated 01/06/11 09:37 AM
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The SunBreak Asks: Will The Tunnel Project Get the Full Go Ahead This Year?

By David Swidler
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For a while we've been asking if this will be the year when a final decision is made on the fate of the Viaduct. 

Last year Olympia spoke, and it looks we get a tunnel.... [Sound of slide whistle]. In fact, today WSDOT and the Seattle Tunnel Partners are signing on the dotted line. 

With the project in its infancy, there is still time for politics to get in the way. However, something better happen fast, because once the boring machine starts ripping up the Valley of the Mole People this summer, well, you gotta think there will be little turning back.

So this time around, we are asking this question:

Weigh your options carefully. Unlike the Viaduct, you only get one chance at this. 

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Tags: alaskan way viaduct, deep-bore, tunnel, seattle tunnel partners, wsdot, sr-99
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Bah, humbug.
I'm still waiting for the El/monorail that I spent 19 years voting for.
Comment by Constance Lambson
1 day ago
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RE: Bah, humbug.
The city council didn't like the monorail, but they're working on a tunnel that was voted down in favor of the street level option. Okay?
Comment by Erik
1 day ago
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