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posted 03/09/11 04:32 PM | updated 03/09/11 04:32 PM
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Gibran and Chabon Go to the Movies & Harry Potter Gets a Walking Tour

By Constance Lambson
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Is there any book that filmmakers won't option? According to, Salma Hayek's production company, Ventanarosa Productions, has optioned Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet.

A team of directors has been put together to create an animated, big-screen version of one of the world's most popular books. On board so far are Sylvain Chomet of The Triplets of Belleville, John Stevenson of Kung Fu Panda, and Marjane Satrapi, author/illustrator of Persepolis.

Also headed for the big screen is Michael Chabon's The Yiddish Policeman's Union, currently in development at Sony Pictures. Scott Rudin, and Joel and Ethan Coen are attached to that project, while Chabon keeps busy adapting John Carter of Mars with Andrew Stanton for Disney, a new version of Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and creating an original television series for HBO with his wife, Ayelet Waldeman.

The series, tentatively titled Hobgoblin, is "an offbeat drama...that revolves around a motley group of conmen and magicians who use their skills at deception to battle Hitler and his forces during WWII," according to Variety. Comparisons to Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards will undoubtedly ensue, possibly leading to much spirited debate on the interwebs, and the death of Godwin's Law.

Speaking of HBO, the series developed from George R.R. Martin's massive Game of Thrones books debuts April 17th. ScreenRant has been collecting all the trailers, promos, and previews for your geeking pleasure.

As if that weren't enough, Harry Potter fans can look forward to stepping into the movie in Spring 2012, when Warner Bros. begins offering a three-hour walking tour through the production space in Leavesden, England. The costumes, sets, props, and effects used in all eight movies will be on display. Tickets go on sale later this year, and are certain to sell out quickly. First books, then movies, a theme park attraction, and intramural Quidditch...where will it all end?

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Tags: kahlil gibran, chabon, verne, burroughs, coen, hobgoblin, hitler, tarantino, george r.r. martin, game of thrones, harry potter
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John Carter?
Didn't realize Chabon was working on this. I remember reading these books in college, and even then wondering WTF (of course we didn't have fancy TLAs in those days).

Maybe he'll pull something out of it - if anyone can, I'll trust him to do it.
Comment by bilco
3 days ago
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Yup, Chabon is the script doctor for John Carter. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how he handles Deja Thoris. Will he go Heinlein, or Vor?
Comment by Constance Lambson
3 days ago
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