Don’t Worry, The Killing Will Be Over Soon

Image from The Killing opening credits

I didn’t even bother to recap last week’s episode, especially on the heels of headlines like “The Weekend Everyone Turned Against The Killing.” It’s not that the previous episode, entitled “Missing,” was especially lousy. It actually provided a lot of great character development and took a break from the main plot (who killed Rosie Larsen?) to spend some time learning more about Holder and Linden, in the wake of Linden’s teenage son’s disappearance.

That is all well enough. But the problem is that it came too late in the series. That kind of character development should have occurred in the first third of the show, not the second episode from the finale. It’s like the people behind The Killing don’t know how a good television show should be structured–or in other words, it’s like they’ve never watched another drama on AMC. (As a reminder, Season 4 of Breaking Bad starts July 17th.)

Alright, let’s do this: Oh noes, Belko got fired. Oh noes, Linden’s estranged ex-husband wants to spend time with her son. Oh noes, Rosie Larsen’s parents are fighting over the money he spent on the new house. Oh noes, the mayor’s waterfront development is held up due to the unearthing of an INDIAN BURIAL GROUND, which somehow ensures he won’t be re-elected. I could not care less about any of the above.

Meanwhile, Rosie’s aunt Terry is a whore, and Rosie was too? Because there’s a huge underground Seattle high-price escort ring with high school-aged girls called Beau Soleil? But of course. You are killing me, Killing!

And naturally, part of excellent detective skills is sending an email to a murder suspect with the subject line “I KNOW WHAT YOU DID.” That always works.

So let me guess, even though it looks as if mayoral candidate Darren Richmond is Rosie Larsen’s killer, next week will bring a surprise TWIST? My money is still on campaign aides Gwen and/or Jamie.

For better or for worse, AMC now has all of The Killing‘s episodes available for streaming on their website (with ads). For better or for worse, AMC has just renewed The Killing for a second season. Alright, it’s for worse. Spoiler alert: THIS SHOW WILL KILL ME.

Unlike Linden and Holder, here’s some video of local officers actually doing their job: