Occupy Seattle, Saturday Afternoon Edition (Photo Gallery)

by on October 15, 2011

Apparently wrapping yourself in the flag is no longer the province of the right wing. (Photo: MvB)


Who could truncheon a smile like that? (Photo: MvB)


Seattle's occupying forces were fairly well dressed. (Photo: MvB)


Signs, signs, everywhere a sign. (Photo: MvB)


"My goodness," said the Duck driver as the crowd roared, "it sounds like New Year's." (Photo: MvB)


(Photo: MvB)


Protesters lining Fourth Avenue, which they later blocked (Photo: MvB)


Protesters lining Fourth Avenue, which they later blocked (Photo: MvB)

I happened to be downtown on *cough* business this afternoon, so I brought along my camera to chronicle a little of today’s Occupy Seattle protest. Music, prayers, testimonials, and good-old-fashioned soak-the-rich harangues drew thousands of people to Westlake Park. As I left, a group had broken off to block traffic along Fourth Avenue. Later, tents began springing up in an act of civil disobedience. Occupy Seattle on Twitter says there are over 100 tents up, adding with an edge to their tweet: “We are running low on food, any food deliveries, pizza etc would be greatly appreciated.”

Filed under News, Politics

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