Is Rail the Answer for Seattle’s Waterfront Tourism & High-Capacity Transit?

Is Rail the Answer for Seattle’s Waterfront Tourism & High-Capacity Transit?

Transit studies are thick in the Seattle air these days. Just this week, Waterfront Seattle released a transit report (pdf) on options for travel up and down the Field Operations-redesigned waterfront, and Sound Transit and Seattle’s Department of Transportation produced eight alternatives for a Ballard-downtown high-capacity line. Continue reading Is Rail the Answer for Seattle’s Waterfront Tourism & High-Capacity Transit?

Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Yesterday afternoon, the Everett Herald’s Jerry Cornfield reported that the delay in approving a Washington State budget was truly fishy: “Boeing’s opposition to fish study a sticking point in budget,” went the headline. With a government shutdown to come in fewer than five days, it might seem strange that negotiations are getting hung up on a mundane study of how often people eat fish. Continue reading Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget