The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow, Seattle!

Artist's conception of a sunny day in Seattle (Photo: MvB)
Artist’s conception of a sunny day in Seattle (Photo: MvB)

The heat is not on. Yet. It may seem difficult to credit, at the downstream end of the atmospheric river we’ve been paddling through this week, but by Friday afternoon, summer is going to break out all over. The mercury should raise to 80, but that’s just a warm-up to the warm-up. KOMO’s Seth Wayne predicts an August-style weekend: “82-85 degrees is expected across much of the area on Saturday and Sunday.” Monday and Tuesday should only get hotter: upper 80s. East of the mountains, it may get into triple digits.

UW meteorologist Cliff Mass says the culprit is a major ridge of high pressure setting up camp west of the Rockies. It may or may not weaken much in advance of July 4th itself. The National Weather Service cautions: “Don’t forget that area rivers are still running fast and cold, and that the heat can have an adverse affect on the elderly and the sick.” (A family had to be rescued from the Green River just last Saturday, when their raft snagged on tree branches.)

Heat can also have deleterious effects on Pride Parade celebrants and supporters, especially if the partying never really stopped from the night before. If you spot anyone looking overheated at PrideFest at Seattle Center, try to herd them into the fountain for a bit.