The SunBreak

Clint Brownlee

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West Seattle

Last Login:

9 hours ago


September 14, 2009

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March 15, 2011
That's the date that Travis Hay has it releasing on DVD. ( Hope to have more info on it in the near future.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
3 weeks ago
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Thanks for the reminder, S. I'm hunting down an update for you.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
2 months ago
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Holy Ghost
Thanks, Tony. That record is terrific. Looking forward to seeing him (and Campbell) in October. Neumo's will be a great venue.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
4 months ago
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Comment by Clint Brownlee
5 months ago
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As a West Seattleite, I can attest to the necessary-reading status of West Seattle Blog. It's basically the morning paper, written, printed, and delivered in the neighborhood, with stories that will be more relevant in my daily life than anything produced by a bigger outlet. And well-written, at that.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
5 months ago
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Malfunkshun DVD
Sounds like it'll be available in your standard outlets/record stores sometime in August, Deborah. Also sounds like it's going to be a very cool film/album package.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
6 months ago
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Can't imagine the stuff you must have heard (and saw), Heidi. Ironic that the people there for the show are the ones you wish were putting on an act.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
6 months ago
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Who got tickets?
They came and went and eluded me. Anyone get lucky?
Comment by Clint Brownlee
9 months ago
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Valid point
Can't really argue with you, bilco. Two different worlds, yes. But it's different when the original material is fact--even if it is rock. Casting will say everything about Hollywood's approach.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
10 months ago
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Belgian style
Glad to hear it was a success (toilet problems aside). I'm still coming around to the style; maybe next year. Sounds like I missed a couple of fantastic Grand Crus.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
11 months ago
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Ugly labels
Funny, I'd initially included the word "fugly" in reference to the new art. Totally agree with you, Jack. Goes hand in hand with choosing to qualify the Apricot with "Audacious." Ugh.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
11 months ago
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No Soundgarden
Despite the speculation, no Soundgarden on the bill ... yet. Too bad.

I'm nearly as excited about Faith No More, though. Back from the dead, too. Should be a good year for 90s rock.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
11 months ago
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Soundgarden shows
Other rumors suggest they're looking to do a summer fest or three. But I can't imagine there won't be a Seattle show--or shows.

I wonder how Matt Cameron will split time between SG and PJ. He'll be one busy man.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
January 03, 2010
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You too?
I've felt the same way about this. Have to admit, too, that I have a soft spot for Sigourney Weaver (Ellen Ripley). Looking forward to hearing what you think. I'm catching Avatar Saturday night. (IMAX 3D!)
Comment by Clint Brownlee
December 17, 2009
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Count me in! Sounds lovely.
Comment by Clint Brownlee
November 18, 2009
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