The SunBreak

Michael van Baker

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Capitol Hill

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September 01, 2009

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2694 times

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Editor & Publisher of The SunBreak



RE: Probably the only restaurant
Sure, but at least they're putting their value-priced lunch menu where my mouth is! Try that yam soup and see if you'd come back for more.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 day ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Plus
Steve is especially sympathetic to Kelsey because of they share that history of career-derailment cuz of drugs.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 day ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Argh.
Since I wouldn't wish Kelsey Grammer on anyone, it's significant that I wouldn't wish this on Kelsey Grammer.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 day ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Both sides
I was kidding about the farm accident rate being a drawback to living in Pullman. Honestly one can be trampled to death by cows this side of the Cascades as well. It's luck of the draw really.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 days ago
( 0 votes)
RE: snarky?
More flip and irrelevant than snarky.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Negative Nancies
I would remind you, Dylan, that I'm not saying the ICA is doing anything with public money. In fact I've repeatedly emphasized the opposite. Nor am I making the values comparison you find so odious. My point is that THERE'S A NATIONWIDE ECONOMIC CRISIS currently in progress, so it strikes me as odd that the ICA has such rosy projections for increased revenues. I'm referring specifically to the state's economic woes because they're very serious (you can honestly say that people will likely die as a result of these cuts) and in part driven by declining sales tax revenues--evidence that statewide, people are not buying as much as they used to of anything. HOWEVER! in fairness, it is possible that people will devote their middle class tax cuts to the stadium.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Qwest is already mixed use...
You make a good point. However, they're going to have to make it work somehow, because that's where the Huskies are to play when Husky Stadium is being renovated. So it can't be impossible. And again, all of this speculation might be improbable--it's just that I haven't seen anyone demonstrate that.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Negative Nancies
This has to be my all-time favorite comment! At a time when the governor is considering ending Basic Health in the state because of catastrophic budget deficits, HFNY keeps their eye on the ball: you can take your boat to Husky Stadium.

For what it's worth, I have no problem with the renovation as such. My concern is whether the ICA can actually afford to do it. The Husky faithful seem very sure they can, which is fine. But then I don't think anyone has actually seen what this is going to cost them yet. So we'll see. Everything could go swimmingly.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
( 0 votes)
RE: transit
They should rename it the Carousel Expressglide!
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Overlooking the facts
"Overlooking"--or did I actually spell that out in the post? I'm pretty sure that's exactly what this line says in the English language: "I appreciate the fact that the UW department of Intercollegiate Athletics is responsible for the funding, and that they'll do this by issuing 30-year bonds backed by revenues from donations ($50 million) and increased income (naming rights, premium seating, soaking the Tyee Club)."

I can't say that it does or doesn't impact academic funding--that argument was made by the UW's athletic director, who might better know. My point is simply that $250 million from private pockets is $250 million less in the overall UW donor pool. Are the majority of UW donors inclined to give only to support football? That may well be. But then let's not pretend that a football program adds much to the university's academic donor base.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Do you not understand the logistics?
Since you ask, can you point out the other 1-mi. 47,000-vehicle capacity projects that we're spending $1 billion on? Then, if a "mere" (not my word) 35,000 vehicles are being diverted to surface streets, how do you expect the 100 freight trips per day (per the SDEIS) who can't use the deep-bore tunnel because they're carrying hazardous or flammable materials to avoid choke points? You seem to miss the import of the post, which is that because the tunnel does not replace Viaduct capacity, you're going to get surface street crowded surface streets in any event--just without any extra transit capacity. The Surface/Transit/I-5 plan's addressing the far larger I-5 choke point through town has the potential to have a far greater impact than the tunnel for freight.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 week ago
( 0 votes)
RE: money's the sticking point
Sorry, my paraphrasing may have condensed your point down too much. I didn't mean to imply that the Elevated was cheaper than Surface/Transit, just DBT.

What I heard you saying was that a) the Elevated is substantially cheaper than the DBT, and b) the Elevated has/had much more political support in the legislature than Surface/Transit, ergo c) if the DBT fails, the Elevated could be a realpolitik compromise--and is that the worst thing?
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 weeks ago
( 0 votes)
RE: credit?
It's YouTuber shanrick37. That's all I know. And yeah, it's E. John, 14th to 13th.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 weeks ago
( 0 votes)
RE: cars doing 360s
That's my bad. The first one took me by surprise, and the second one I thought I had pressed hard enough to start recording but then it didn't look like it, so I pressed again and...put it on pause. Thank god for people in Audis trying to head up Queen Anne. I hope that'll tide you over. ;)
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 weeks ago
( 0 votes)
RE: biblio-porn slash-fic
I just try to call things by their names. ;)
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: And the ACTUAL host was...
Well, it does say "hosted by AFP Washington" in the first paragraph. With Enrique Cerna, I really meant emceed, not hosted. Bad word choice.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Nickelsville in Lake City
You have to suspect--I'm a cynic, I admit--that the stealth move was to forestall any kind of neighborhood response.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Ravenna Blog's first official endorsement
Noted! And thanks for pointing Roosiehood out to me. Just added them to our Hood Blogs sidebar.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: This quote, while probably honest, means nothing. Consider the source.
The House vote on the funding was 53-43, so I'd say he starts with a cohort of at least 43 representatives. The Senate voted 39-9, so Kastama may need to make more friends, but, again, this was a make-or-break provision. No one thought the bill would pass without it. If overruns amount to a few hundred million, I think there may be wiggle room, but anything more than that could easily end up on Seattle's bill, given the state's struggles with the deficit and gas tax revenues not meeting projections.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: welcome to soviet seattle
"Communist Czars Declare War on Capitalist Cars!"

How did I miss that?
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Why oh why on a Monday?
That doesn't absolve you of YouTube clip responsibility, ozmafan! You can still be there in internet spirit.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: ...
That's right! Good memory.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Thank you & correction.
Oops! As I say, yesterday I was having trouble telling my left from right. However, I still love your work.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: 3rd from right?
My feeble attempt at misdirection didn't fool you? You're right, I just can't tell my left from right, or count, apparently.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
DOWNVOTE! But you'll be missed, of course.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: so sorry, bloggivingers
Oh, well, try to soldier on, bilco. I know it won't be the same, with all the heat and humidity!
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: correction
Thanks for the note. Fixed.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
Oh, would that it were true!
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: real?
Srsly, people, I'm looking at the source photo and it's for real. See the little rat paw by the dog's nose? For goodness sake. Not everything on the internet is a test. As for being a fake, je-fucking-accuse, Winwood!
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( +1 votes)
RE: real?
Lyle is from Nebraska. He never lies. It's absolutely undoctored, except for where I upped the color saturation.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
Sorry, Wells. I guess it's been etherized. I just checked our spam flagger and didn't see it there, so your comment has vanished on us. If you feel up to it, give it another shot.
Comment by Michael van Baker
1 month ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Another neighborhood blog, just in case...
They're there! They had asbestos this week. They're just between the Duwamish and Magnolia.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: franchise fees
Thanks, guango. I didn't mean to give the impression that Comcast had formal influence over how the city spent the revenue. I just wanted to point out that once the city is always going to need money from somewhere to pay for email services, and having found a revenue stream in Comcast, if the city changes the arrangement, they'll have to deal with a "new" cost they have to allocate money for. The tendency would be to avoid the hassle if possible. I got the impression from Mayor McGinn's campaign that he'd be interested in a different model of broadband provision, so knock on wood.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Seattle Tunnel
The total project cost for the Gotthard Base Tunnel is at $10.1 billion, actually. Still cheaper on a cost-per-mile basis.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Rizzo
So that's two of us, right there! :D I read somewhere that Rizzo said himself he sometimes runs into works and thinks, Pah! Not for me, because it's not the right time, it's just not of interest to you at that moment. Which is pretty much how I felt. I'd rather have had Jeremy's reaction, but it just wasn't in the cards.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Math Mistake
This wouldn't be the first time I've made a math error, but I don't think I see the one you're talking about. The 5.5% comes from Regence's 2005-2009 period of medical payouts. Cantwell's release says they've then "raised 2011 premiums for policy holders in Washington state by as much as 37 percent." I'm taking that to mean raised from 2010, which is a year *after* the period that saw the 5.5% increase.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: ridiculous
*Someone* looks like an idiot here. In four lines, you're wrong about four things. 1) As is mentioned, we didn't send Seth to the show, he volunteered his reaction. 2) We get comps to most shows, including this one, which we reviewed formally yesterday. 3) Most people have to pay for tickets to shows--are they not allowed to say whether they enjoyed the show? 4) This is not a review, it's expressly titled an op-ed.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( +1 votes)
RE: A+ for headline writing.
Sometimes you're just in the zone. :)
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: I don't know--is it okay to be an anonymous blogger?
This is a worthwhile question, but I'm not sure it's wholly applicable here. Remmu wasn't hired until this August. She says on her site that she has always studiously avoided writing about anything to do with her work in general, and so far as I can tell, that's true. Given that her employer *did* know she blogged, I'd think it was up to them to bring up any formal arrangement during the hiring process.

Also, she's not exactly anonymous--she's writing under a pen name, which is different, and a single search on the internet reveals who she is.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Good thing, right?
You'd think!
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: hey guess what
I liked his early stuff, but now it seems like he's just phoning it in.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: $$$$$
We've had roads switched to center turn-lanes in Seattle for the past twenty years. I don't see that, in general principle, there's any data to suggest this doesn't work to reduce speeding while maintaining overall capacity. (On a case-by-case basis there may well be evidence pro or con.) But I see that you haven't found any data for your bottleneck assertion, either, Greg, or just don't care to share it. These context- and data-free kinds of comments strike me as a big waste of time, and yes, narcissistic.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Do you know what the word "ironic" means, MVB?
Yes, I saw "Reality Bites," Steve Winwood, I know what irony is. For instance, it's ironic that you're a big poopyhead. *hugz*
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Ashamed
It's ridiculous. I spent 5 minutes at Ivar's the other day trying to decided between trash, compost, and recycling bins. Each bin had a list of five or so things that went in it. I normally have something like 15 seconds allotted for this procedure, so after I timed out, I just dumped all the questionable stuff into one bin. Any recycling/composting program that a three-year-old can't figure out in less than 30 seconds is just wishful thinking.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: nameplate
I should have airbrushed that out. ;) It's the zoom and the angle; Conlin's actually sitting next to Licata.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Our State's Constiution
You're right about the limitation on what gas tax money can be used for, but Fangio, consider that in 2009 gas tax revenue made up 4 percent of SDOT's budget:

Anytime you're talking about building new infrastructure, you're not talking about gas taxes so much as issuing bonds. Debt is how major public works are funded; the gas taxes are collateral.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: only one billion
Don't get me wrong--the bridge needs replacing, the Viaduct needs to come down. If we weren't already stuck in a cycle of over-spending on new before we take care of the existing infrastructure, that story might be different. But in any case, my argument with the replacements is that these particular options are both sucking up the maximum (and then some) money available with not a lot in return for the extra billions involved.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
Courtenay replies
Xahnia of Courtenay writes in:

Courtenay is pretty much a retirement community for the upper middle class, who enjoy the fresh air and wildlife such as bear and cougar in their back yards.

We are fortunate to have a small city in a rural setting with mountains and oceans, hiking trails, farm life, and clean rivers and streams to fish and swim in.

A community that attracts people interested in natural healthy living. That is what makes up Courtenay. A place, I am sure, Dr. Suzuki would feel right at home.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Is all this stereotyping necessary?
I think if you read the article carefully, you'll see that the author refers to herself as a stereotype. Maybe just have a glass of wine, and try to think back to where you last had your sense of humor.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( +1 votes)
RE: Once again!
Exactly. Here the crudely plopping into place is a meta-commentary.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Bien fait!
Merci, but ouf! That's really taxing. It's been a while since my study abroad year. ;)
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Okay, where's the images?
On the DPD site there's a pdf with the names of the four firms involved. And then a breakout of the names of all the smaller firms working with each of lead four. But no, vision you don't get, aside from slogging through the PowerPoint decks.

I will say this about Corner--though it's of limited utility since I exited early--which is that his presentation impressed me with his pacing. He pulled you back from the habituated "park" image, and from what's there already, so that there'd be room to imagine something different. That takes guts when you have 1,000 people waiting for a money shot.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Phrasing
I read collides in that case as "car and train hit each other." ("Come together violently" is one definition of collide.) But I'd also accept "car and train collide." Really, my point is just that the news is that cars are creating light rail accidents, so however you phrase it, the first impression shouldn't be, "Oh, a train smashed into a car again."
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: garden at King Street
I could handle a garden that was a real attraction, actually. Something with a theme, rather than blah in a planter. There is an elevator planned, btw. The funding for the whole project is still being located, so the expense of the elevator is slowing its introduction. Here's what SDOT says:
SDOT is currently seeking additional funding to complete the restoration. This currently unfunded phase of the project will complete a full seismic structural upgrade of the entire building. It would also include restoration of historic finishes and architectural detailing throughout the inside and outside of the building—such as the plaster work and historic lighting in the main waiting room. With additional funding an elevator is also planned connecting the Plaza level second floor to the ticketing and train platforms on the first floor.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Collisions and headlines
Hi Mike, thanks! I won't say it's the most important story of the day, but as a headline skimmer myself, I think it's important to break bad habits, which is what this seems to be. The cumulative impression--again, purely from the headlines--is that the train is causing the colliding, and it's just not. You're no doubt right about the reliability toll being the bigger issue than cost. I still think it might be a story worth pursuing, because it doesn't seem like drivers are learning not to make illegal lefts in front of the train.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Turnip blood?
I wondered how many people would be familiar with the expression "can't get blood from a turnip."
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Pete Townshend
Thx, Paul, got it.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
No reason it can't be both, bilco! To be honest, my interest in running the story was the Bed Bug Registry map. That thing's cool. Also, the registry/hotel play on words is fun.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: They sell veal at Costco?
Dammit, Frank! :D

The ground veal is $94.99 for an 8-lb. package. I'd stick with Wagyu.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: +
Yep, that was they.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: ...
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Slightly more
Thanks, bilco! Stay tuned for partay announcement.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Hot dog stand
You are correct, sir! I think if you were to put on Jay Leno mask and wander around asking people what all the paint means, you'd hear a wide variety of mostly incorrect responses. You can paint all you want--it certainly is cheaper than almost anything else, and it looks official--but if people don't have any idea what a sharrow is, or what the rules of a bike lane are, it's not helping.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: autism
"Ask your doctor if oxytocin is right for you!" Oxytocin itself is already available in a nasal spray formulation, but it's not sold over the counter in the U.S.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: set
Fixed! Can't make the change to the program page they gave me though.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Kudos to SDOT
I love that about the DOTs. They've really gotten into posting photos of their projects, and it's a great, accessible documentary of where our tax dollars go.
Comment by Michael van Baker
3 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Yes, but...
You are correct, and that's a good point. Big-picture-wise, we're not talking about opposites. It's a judgment call about which might be the best solution (because best means many things). Being more aware of how kneejerk intuitions close off new data doesn't necessarily mean they're wrong.

In the case of road diets, they're designed primarily to reduce speeding, so at a basic level it's absolutely going to take speeders more time.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
This is better than true
All Capitol Hill news should come down to conversations between these two critters.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Interesting
Ah, bilco...did you not notice they plan to finish in 2012? 2012!

Would it have been a double-decker aqueduct?
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Fun.
Not at all difficult difficult lemon difficult.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Isolde does drink the potion
Thanks for the clarification, Roger.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: art dept
You have to picture me working with a web page called "What are GIMP layers?" open at the same time. Just as I was about to go back in and fine tune the edges, my eraser stopped working, so I decided to go with a Primitivist layers take.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Correction
Your correction is correct, I'll update. I've also learned that currently the maximum late fee on books and DVDs is $6.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Tristan and Isolde
I will disagree, Mr. Rom, to the extent that while I think you can deepen your understanding of Wagner's work by tracing influences, when you talk about the work, you talk primarily about what's on stage. That's the artist's task, and I think Wagner did it well, evidenced by the fact that many more people have seen and enjoyed "Tristan" than have read Schopenhauer.

However, I take your point that Wagner's aim isn't prurient as such. The passion between the two lovers is a launching point, not an end. Still, without passion, there's no launch. I'm not asking for two sweaty people on the floor (nor am I against that, depending on who's singing)--but however their relationship is portrayed, the audience needs to feel the electricity in it.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: why then?
Yes, September...that's a good point. September isn't August. I somehow skipped over that when I saw 22, and the other date was 21. In that case, no, I have no idea what the deal is.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: No cost overruns?
Obviously the initial concept was to run a roller coaster up and down it, not cars. And I would be spending A LOT more time at U Village if that were the case. Another instance of visionary thinking thwarted by small-minded hobgoblins.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: why then?
You ask, we answer, bilco! The original Japanese festival is tied to the Harvest Moon, which in 2010 is September 22 or 23, depending on how the internet is feeling. I'll assume that they thought Saturday night was a better night to have people stay up late.
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: blurb
Actually I kinda worked that terminology in all on my own. Subliminal, see! Now to watch the readership surge!
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: ...
Squirrel fear!!!
Comment by Michael van Baker
4 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Great stuff
Nice work, bilco! :D Sorry, yes, the 35 percent of emissions and fuel savings relates just to the descent comparisons, ODP v. the normal stair-step. HOWEVER! as I look into RNP tech in general, it seems like it aids in traffic control in a number of ways. If it can help reduce air time in terms of delays, that will do some good, too. Step in the right direction, and all.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Validates my paranoia
Or the classic, "Everybody's got a favorite security code, don't they? Mine's 1234. What's yours?"
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: I love you MVB
It's a different era, bilco. But thanks, because your comment inspired me to see if Bing had different JC intel.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: The Seven Social Sacraments
Thanks for the link! I'll add it to the post.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: chapel piece
Thanks, Susan, I've added Linda's name.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: name that plane
Nice work. Thx!
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: The Steve Winwood solution
Step 4 is your solution to EVERYTHING!
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: No more?
Are you volunteering?!
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Bird ID?

Nice one, bilco. :D
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: map attachment
You have spotted the thing that doesn't belong! Congratulations. :D Thanks for pointing that out--I'm not sure why it's there.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: 4d
I have to admit, it's something I want to see at least ONCE in my life.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Au contraire, mon frere...
I'll only give you credit if it was a furry orgy!
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
Also, protein gets out protein! Even I know that.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Don't tell
I hope that's not a spoiler, bilco!
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Meerkats vs Penguins!
Looking into the warthog angle now...
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Rad hair cut, brohams
I'm proud to say I'm more or less consistently six years out of date, bilco! Hey, have you heard about this new site called Friendster?
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Rad hair cut, brohams
Actually that's an 1987 pic. I throw it in wherever I can.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Who is?
First Hill is the South Park of Capitol Hill.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: The 13th way of looking at Ravenna Park
I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP! I left the path to take a picture of a bridge and on my way back looked up and saw three teenagers in a tree. Now I have chills.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: HA ha ha ha
As always, Steve, your'e close readings is graetly appreciatad.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)
RE: Slow eyes, Seth
That's hilarious, bilco. :D I was checking Twitter and it seemed like really everyone I knew was at the game today. I even ran into Dan Gonsiorowski, Seattlest founding editor, there rooting for the Cubbies.

Re: Lou, that'd be a pretty outsized bowling ball. I'm gonna say watermelon.
Comment by Michael van Baker
5 months ago
( 0 votes)