Heat Wave! A City Without A/C Pants in Sweaty Fear

Heat Wave! A City Without A/C Pants in Sweaty Fear

Temperatures for Thursday and Friday are forecasted to reach the mid-90s, with temperate Seattle earning an Excessive Heat Warning from the National Weather Service. Saturday will still be in the low 80s (but with a possible thunderstorm), with Sunday dropping back down to the upper 70s, thanks to an invasion of marine air, say the weather diviners at KOMO TV. Continue reading Heat Wave! A City Without A/C Pants in Sweaty Fear

That Weekend Pre-Summer Mother’s Day Scorcher You Ordered

That Weekend Pre-Summer Mother’s Day Scorcher You Ordered

Despite the relatively air-cooled sunshine of the past few days, says UW meteorologist Cliff Mass, “we are about to have [a] heat wave–one that will bring near 80F temps to Seattle, 85F to Portland, and near 90F in Medford.” Plus, he adds, “Monday will be warm as well.” Three-day weekend! For the moms.

That’s right, in case you’ve forgotten, Mother’s Day is this Sunday. Continue reading That Weekend Pre-Summer Mother’s Day Scorcher You Ordered