posted 09/03/09 12:36 PM | updated 09/03/09 12:47 PM
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Discovery Park Closed for Cougar Safety

By Michael van Baker
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A tipster just let us know that Discovery Park has been closed, due the recent cougar sightings. Probably worth grilling indoors, if you live the neighborhood. UPDATE: Just spoke with Deputy Superintendent Christopher Williams from the Parks Department, and the park closing is on the advice of Fish & Wildife, who are trying to trap the cougar. "We've never closed a park because of a large cat," said Williams, calling the situation "unprecedented." The park will be closed over Labor Day weekend, through Monday, so re-plan that family picnic STAT!

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Tags: cougar, wildlife, discovery, park
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You got the scoop
Woo Hoo The Sunbreak beat all the traditional outlets with the cougar story.
Comment by Lyle George
2 days ago
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RE: You got the scoop
Thanks, Official The SunBreak tipster!
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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Photos from my cougar hunt in Seattle's Discovery Park
Comment by Lyle George
2 days ago
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