Head to the Magnolia Voice to see the hilarious "What was in that last drink?" photos. A Fish & Wildlife team and their dogs treed the young cougar early this morning, and then shot him up full of tranquilizers. Tongue lolling, the cougar was caged and will be released into the wild (i.e., Snohomish) later. All's well that ends well, as this means Discovery Park can open back up to the public for the rest of the (rainy) Labor Day weekend.
A tipster just let us know that Discovery Park has been closed, due the recent cougar sightings. Probably worth grilling indoors, if you live the neighborhood. UPDATE: Just spoke with Deputy Superintendent Christopher Williams from the Parks Department, and the park closing is on the advice of Fish & Wildife, who are trying to trap the cougar. "We've never closed a park because of a large cat," said Williams, calling the situation "unprecedented." The park will be closed over Labor Day weekend, through Monday, so re-plan that family picnic STAT!
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