posted 09/04/09 02:00 PM | updated 09/04/09 02:00 PM
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Mysteries of the ORCA Card Revealed

By Michael van Baker
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Do you have a new ORCA card yet, good on all sorts of transit (but not the SLUT or Monorail, yet)? If you do, you've most likely had all sorts of questions. What's an e-purse? How do you get a youth ORCA card? A few of you are wondering, Where'd my money go?

Seattle Transit Blog has the rundown on the Case of the Failed ORCA Transaction. Turns out that if you add money to your card online, the transaction is only completed the next time you tap your card at a transit terminal. If it takes you longer than 30 days to use your card after you load up online, the transaction fails.

This is why the transaction appears as "pending" until you ride a bus or the light rail and use the card. But it requires a certain courage to ride a bus or the light rail while a transaction is said to be "pending," doesn't it? 

I think people have suggested this before, but I am going to check with King County Metro about their plans to incorporate transit user feedback into programs before they go public. We could all make a little lemonade out of budget-slashing lemons: You just know the Seattle Transit Blog would be happy to beta test a site, or muster a group of test passengers to see if a ticketing system is comprehensible.

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Tags: ORCA card, king county metro, transit, seattle transit blog
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ORCA passes (not epurses) are accepted on the streetcars:
Comment by Hans Gerwitz
2 days ago
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This is just what I'm talking about. If I saw someone use an ORCA card on the streetcar, and I swiped mine with its e-purse and it didn't work, I'd be rightfully pissed off. Also, e-purse? Srsly? I die a little inside every time I have to write that.
Comment by Michael van Baker
2 days ago
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