posted 09/09/09 02:36 PM | updated 09/09/09 02:36 PM
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The Kite Ballet in Pictures

By Michael van Baker
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Yesterday we mentioned that there'd be a kite ballet going on at Gas Works Park all day today. The more Jeremy and I thought about it, the more it sounded like a terrific lunchtime break. So off I went, camera in hand.

Closer to the park, we could see the kites scudding in a steady northeasterly breeze. When the wind slackened, they dipped toward the ground. "This is great," said a passerby, wandering beneath the swooping kites. "They're like friendly ghosts."

There were plenty of kites still to be put in the air just after noon. The whole 121-kite fleet should be quite a sight.

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Tags: kites, gas works park, ballet, wallingford, kite ballet
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Was great this eve
Didn't even see this, but I was stunned biking home from work at the beauty of the Gasworks scene.

Pretty disappointed it was just a credit union ad, though. Didn't WaMu used to put on some sort of big event at Gasworks?????
Comment by bilco
3 days ago
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