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The SunBreak
posted 10/08/09 03:21 PM | updated 10/08/09 03:24 PM
Featured Post! | Views: 431 | Comments : 3 | Science

"We Begin Bombing the Moon in Five Minutes"

By Michael van Baker
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Photo: NASA

I know some of you may be wondering what NASA's LCROSS mission (aka "bombing the moon") has to do with Seattle, and it is simply this: If the moon happens to crack open after impact, that stuff is going to go everywhere.

"This is a completely unique mission that will excavate two large holes dozens of meters across on the lunar surface. It will give us composition measurements we wouldn't otherwise be able to get," said Tim McClanahan, from Goddard Space Flight Center.

And it may end life as we know it. Good night, moon. (It's almost as bad as CERN sucking us into a black hole.)

Here is the deal: NASA is winding up its Lunar CRater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission with a bang. The mission launched last June 18, and its goal is to determine whether there's ice on the moon. Tonight, the spacecraft will separate from its upper-stage Centaur rocket, and the rocket will impact a crater at the lunar south pole at about 4:30 a.m.PDT.

Photo: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Cue moon dust. The spacecraft will shoot through the plume and analyze the shit out of it in a hurry, because four minutes later it's due to smack into the moon itself. (It's got two near-infrared spectrometers, a visible light spectrometer, two mid-infrared cameras, two near-infrared cameras, a visible camera and a visible radiometer, says NASA.)

The idea is that once the moon dust hits the sunlight above the crater rim, anything water-esque will vaporize and the instruments will catch the results. NASA says, in all seriousness, that we need to know if the moon's got water because it would totally help with manned interplanetary trips.

CHS says you can see the moon go boom from Cal Anderson Park (assuming clear skies), but if you've noticed how cold it is at night lately, you can watch it stream on UWTV or NASA TV.

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Tags: lcross, lunar impact, bomb the moon, nasa, rocket, crater, centaur, water
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moon cracking open and sucking in all the idiots
you are kidding right? if not, go back to elementary school - this tiny impact will just kick up some dust - crack open the moon? wow! god, the scientific illiteracy in this country is astounding - the editor of a paper should at least be a little educated - you are fool and doing a gross disservice to your readers. unless you are kidding - no, after rereading your editorial, you are not.
Comment by RastaBob
4 months ago
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They are not kidding, nor are they idiots
This is a highly serious space mission. The impact of this bomb may throw the moon out of orbit. The result would be the tides on earth and every ladies monthly visitor goes wacko and floods the planet with excess waters and a really bad mood. Sounds like a plot from Dr. Evil!
Comment by Marlow
4 months ago
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RE: They are not kidding, nor are they idiots
That's like saying the impact of a nuclear device in Japan will throw the Earth out of its orbit.

(Well, maybe it did! Have you checked the Earth's orbit lately?)
Comment by co149
3 months ago
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