posted 10/17/09 01:34 PM | updated 10/17/09 01:34 PM
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The Weekend Wrap: Hutchison, Banks, and Businesses for Sale

By Michael van Baker
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The Seattle Times shocked exactly no one this week by endorsing Susan Hutchison for King County Executive, but they did surprise me by announcing that "The days of big-ticket projects and budgets are finished." (That rules out an endorsement of Mallahan for Mayor doesn't it, given his support for the $4.2 billion deep-bore tunnel project?) KCTS broadcast a Hutchison v. Constantine debate, Publicola called it a draw, and everyone else beseeched the heavens like Job after the boils.

CHS went rumor-mill on us this week, following up on a Slog tip that Elliott Bay Book Company might become the Capitol Hill Book Company (it would be easier to get to book readings...), and dug up five named and six unnamed Capitol Hill businesses for sale. Rosebud...! My go-to Eggs Benedict purveyor.

Given that list, you'd probably feel guilty about not staying home to support local businesses, but just so you know, Amtrak has cut fares to Vancouver by 25 percent. Start camping out for the Olympics early!

At The SunBreak, we were keeping an eye on real estate foreclosures and the commercial bank crisis in the state. We went long-form, but if you're curious, Seattle Bubble's Twitter Digest presents a more telegraphic, connect-the-dots version. And lemming-like, I knocked I-1033--with the caveat that fiscal discipline and fairness is, in fact, lacking in Olympia.

Let's close with the some good news: Microsoft is releasing Windows 7 on October 22, and people like it! They really, really like it! Congratulations, Microsoft. Hope they sell like hotcakes.

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Tags: susan hutchison, elliott bay book company, real estate, foreclosures, commercial bank, amtrak, vancouver, microsoft, windows 7
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